Images of the World
To start, choose a country or click / tap on any photo above!

The world is a marvellous place, and I have been privileged to live, work and travel in many of its countries, seeing its sights and meeting wonderful people. Looking at the tens of thousands of photos I have of these places I thought I should share some of the views seen and events experienced during almost 60 years of travel.
The 20,900 photos and over 570 videos on this site are only a small selection of the world as I’ve experienced it over those years. Some places visited recently, but others many years ago - each photo and video shows the date it was taken. Also shown is the history of the countries’ National flags.
This site was originally only about AUSTRALIA, especially its OUTBACK - hence the name OzOutback: the largest number of photos and videos here is still from Australia.

Experience our planet as I’ve seen it...

Ludo Kuipers,
Cairns, Queensland, Australia

A selection of the tens of thousands of photos and videos taken during over 50 years of travel - some places visited recently, others many years ago: a very personal view of the world and its people. Also shown is the history of the countries’ National flags.

Experience our planet as I've seen it....

Ludo Kuipers,
Cairns, Queensland, Australia