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Images of the World
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Saturday 18th of May 2024, 8:59 PM, Aria Kitchener wrote:

Your beautiful collection of Australian First Nations people mean a lot. Records of our culture are very scarce, especially details about the dreamtime, and seeing them on your site is the world to me and I'm sure many others who have found themself on this side of the web.
Thank you.
I hope you're having a wonderful life where ever you may be.
Friday 9th of June 2023, 12:17 AM, Meluleki Simelane wrote:

Thank you so much for this....its the appreciation of Swaziland and recognition of Eswatini as it now known...the changes but one thing I've loved with this pictures is how carefree all of them looked❤️❤️❤️thank you for this
Monday 7th of November 2022, 11:13 AM, Santus Talugmai wrote:

Thank you very much for the job well done. I truly appreciate your time, energy, and all the hard works involved in creating this wonderful site. I am from Ifalik and every time I visited this site, my eyes are almost break down in tears. This site really reflect some good old memories of home sweet home.
Sunday 10th of July 2022, 12:08 PM, Helena wrote:

Wonderful work around the world. Very impressive and for once I see the area I was born and it's history to remind me of 'home', Fryslan. Thank you so much. I've passed this on for others to view. Happy photographing and writing for 50 years. Well done.
Tuesday 24th of May 2022, 9:38 AM, Susan Taylor Wehren wrote:

Someone shared your website on Facebook and I found it so interesting. I was one of many US Peace Corps Volunteers who served during the 1970s in Micronesia. I was on Yap Island from June 1968 to June 1970. During that time I spent two or three months on Ifalik. I met my volunteer husband on Yap and I shall make sure he sees your pictures of the outer where he served.
We now live in Hawaii.
Friday 27th of August 2021, 6:10 AM, Ernesto Lukschik wrote:

I came across this site by accident this afternoon and couldn't tear myself away for hours. I am earlier also as a backpacker especially much traveled through Southeast Asia, North-West Africa and Southern and Eastern Europe. There are here again very many old memories awakened and some photo I have looked at very for a long time. This site seems to me like a gift from heaven that allows me in these terrible Corona virus times, at least with the eyes a little to travel through the world. Thank you very much Ernesto
Thursday 29th of July 2021, 1:00 AM, Luke Rowlinson wrote:

Really enjoyed the images from the 70's and 80's of Australia. Great site.
Sunday 6th of June 2021, 4:41 AM, Tshepo wrote:

I really need Sangoma in Swaziland to help me and my family
my contact 0730020858
Saturday 17th of April 2021, 6:54 AM, Maria wrote:

I'm one candidate who is very interested in knowing ndau since I have ndau calling for
Saturday 20th of March 2021, 6:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Sir Ludo
From the beautiful Kingdom of eSwatini ( Swaziland), it is so amazing to see the places we live in today the way they were before we were even born. Would love to see more of the Northern Hhohho district especially the Piggs Peak-Mashobeni corridor....
Siyabonga kakhulu mnumzane.
Thursday 3rd of December 2020, 6:46 PM, Tricia Walsh wrote:

Ludo, Fantastic Photos, I came across this site by accident and have spent my time walking down memory lane. Thankyou for sharing them all. I am so pleased that the world can see our beautiful country and our life.
I hope I find you well?
Tuesday 1st of December 2020, 4:38 PM, Tom wrote:

Hello it is me Tom from Old Caledonia. I respect the photos of Grenada and your dedication to continuing to live in the 90s
Monday 26th of October 2020, 9:52 PM, Ludo Kuipers wrote:

Today I added the Federated States of Micronesia to the website, 660 photos! This is from a trip made back in 1990.
Friday 16th of October 2020, 3:23 AM, Amanda wrote:

Hi, I'm a home educator from England. My 9yo son and I have been learning about harvest festivals around the world and your site was very helpful - thank you!
Tuesday 25th of August 2020, 7:36 PM, Karen Van Hoy wrote:

Since I met Ludo in 1980 in the Yucatan where he helped me to exchange a ticket, I've heard the stories of his incredible adventures. We only spoke for about 15 minutes, but I have been re-telling his adventures for years. Thanks Ludo, for the memories and for sharing your work on this website.
August 21, 2020, 12:35 pm, Ludo Kuipers wrote:

New countries added to the site: Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and Cyprus; and started a new site,, with slide shows of photos from around the world.
May 28, 2020, 4:55 am, Lynn Frederiksen & Shih-Ming Li Chang wrote:

Dear Mr. Kuipers,
We are so excited to discover your site while we are working on our second book on cultures of dance around the world. Thank you for generously sharing this fascinating information about so many countries. Thank you! Thank you!
March 22, 2019, 7:52 am, Michelle Tilley wrote:

You have some great photos here. My Dad was the towns council man some 35yrs ago in Umbakumba. His name was David Tilley. He's passed away now, 10yrs ago but I can safely say he absolutely loved the place.
March 6, 2019, 1:47 pm, Wayne Wood wrote:

G'Day Ludo, I'm from the NT and I was noodling around the web looking for background info about Katherine [for a book I'm writing] and came across OzOutback. Looked at the fabulous photos of aboriginal dances and just by chance clicked on Boliva - absolutely blown away by your images. So I've updated my SA travel blog with links and will be looking at some of the other stuff you've done. To see some of the other places I've visited go to I'd be pleased to hear from you.

April 13, 2018, 8:06 am, Sebentie wrote:

Dear Mr Kuipers,

Sawubona Mnumzane - I was so thrilled to find pictures of my grandfather, my dad and my mom!

I will certainly be following your lovely photographic work in all the countries you are visiting...

(Daughter to HRH Prince Masitsela & Inkh. LaMfana)
June 13, 2017, 9:40 am, Ludo Kuipers wrote:

Botswana, Cuba and Uzbekistan have been added to the site.
September 9, 2017, 4:52 am, Anonymous wrote:

Thanks for the pictures Ludo.. I just my late grandfather(Ezrom Mzizi Malinga) and my uncle Mahajahonke Malinga from mangwaneni Mbabane... My mother the 3rd born daughter of Mzizi was so happy aswell she says she remembers you guys... for more information please email on the email address
June 6, 2017, 10:23 am, Ludo wrote:

Apart from the photos (and flags), now also videos can be sent as virtual postcards from this site.
June 6, 2017, 10:18 am, Ludo wrote:

Now pages about Moldova, including Gagauzia and Transnistria, have been added to the site.
June 6, 2017, 10:14 am, Ludo wrote:

Now pages of Suriname have been added to the list of countries on the site.
May 16, 2017, 11:26 am, Robert Nowak wrote:

Just got the postcard of Roger Jose's place. No time to talk now or explore this site which appears to be brilliant. I lived several years in the NT near the WA border. Recently sold an album of photos of Darwin 1947-52 to the museum in darwin worth looking at if u r there. Do you know Peter Latz?
April 10, 2017, 6:49 am, Ludo wrote:

Added a page of black and white photos I took at UN Day in Swaziland in 1972; with the late King Sobhuza II: United Nations Day Celebrations
October 2, 2016, 7:41 am, Ludo wrote:

Now pages about Korea have been added to the list of countries on the site.

December 12, 2015, 1:35 pm, Vitsnu Pongsmai wrote:

I am very happy to find your website again as I couldn't find it months ago and I just wondered about why it disappeared. I have asked and got your permission to post your photos of Kandahar on my fb page long a few years ago. Thanks again.
August 8, 2015, 6:07 pm, Anonymous wrote:

What a Surprise! I was a student at Evelyn Baring in Swaziland 73/74 when you were a teacher and took those pictures. Though I'm not in them great to see my classmates and teachers. Your collection of pictures was already massive then and you used to run a slide show for us in old tech that took hours. Must be mind boggling by now! We gave you a Swazi name Mayaluka (one who wanders around). And God you have gone around!
April 15, 2015, 8:15 AM, Ludo wrote:

I'm in the process redesigning the site so it will be user friendly also on small-screen devices like mobile phones - will be a big job...
January 22, 2014, 6:07 pm, *Robbie Collins wrote:

Regarding the attitude of the detractors of initiation ceremomies, this is their religion and all that holds them to their living culture and the land, weather other people approve or desaprove is really none of our buseness it is the very fabric of their society that we are told is some 40.000 years old, after our short 200 years in Aust we still understand so little, but repeatidly interfere with most things to do with any thing that is Aboriginal
September 18, 2013, 1:26 pm *Clive Scott wrote:

Thank you so much for these photos, I became really emotional, especially the timber creek and Vic river crossing ones.I was at Timber creek wayside inn nye 68 and 69, working for Vic. Marziale's Marziale earthmoving. We were gravelling the wave hill track and holed up at Timber Creek. We sat at the bar drinking "greens" and playing poker dice, all night. We live off the land, mostly, scrub turkeys, barra being the staple diet. There were practically no salties then, you could swim anywhere.We got stuck at the Vic. with one truck almost totally submerged, driven by a Sicilian who worked for Vic. screaming catatonically, he couldn't swim.I swam out to the truck with a fishing line which I used to pull a rope to us. We secured it to the roo bar and the other end was tied to the bucket of our front end loader. The operator lifted and lowered the bucket so as to keep our bodies clear of the raging torrent and we crossed back hand over hand to the shore.
May 10, 2013, 6:59 pm,*Suzi Mtwetwa wrote:

Fantasic Ludo - so looking forward to seeing you in a few months when I go overseas.
March 26, 2013, 9:26 am, *Bob wrote:

My earliest memories are of properties in the Longreach/ Ilfracombe area, where my father worked, managing outstations & the like. Dad has gone now, taking a lifetime of memories with him. Looking at the photos, after so long away from the area, I find myself getting emotional, who would have thought. I'm going back one day, for another look, I didn't realise how much I missed the place. I'll be looking for Summer hill & Somerset Downs, they are the only two Stations Mum remembers. Thanks for the memories Bob
February 25, 2013, 1:33 pm, *anonymous wrote:

You've done an amazing job with the site...loved every bit of it!!!
November 25, 2012, 4:30 am, *Danny Harbin wrote:

Great site. I've enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Will keep it in my favorites, so I can return agaim and again.
November 24, 2012, 2:53 am, 11:45 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Wonderful photographs.

I hope you can email me back.
I am working in Torres Strait as a midwife.
I would like your permission to draw two of your portraits for a pre school children's story which is free for parents to download.

October 13, 2012, 3:48 pm, *de Vries wrote:

Dear readers,
For the city IJlst is an enthusiastic group of people running an online archive to compile with old drawings and photographs or video images from IJlst. In this one call;
Do you have to be even more material like pictures slides movie or other fun stuff.
Take a moment to where we have gathered a lot.
Thank you.
The editors of

Beste lezers,
Voor de stad IJlst is een enthousiaste groep mensen actief om een online archief samen te stellen met oude foto's tekeningen en/of videobeelden uit IJlst. Bij deze een oproep;
Hebt u voor ons nog meer materiaal zoals fotos dias film of ander leuk materiaal.
Kijk zeker even op waar we al veel hebben verzameld.
De redactie van
September 5, 2012, 2:14 pm, *VitsuP wrote:

Sorry, I failed to write my name for the message below.
September 5, 2012, 2:12 pm, *anonymous wrote:

You are so kind ! Much grateful to your kind permission. Of course, I intended to mention the photo source and wanted to post the link for further reference. I am not good at new tech and using of photo shop software. I am glad that I still have my complete handwriting diary of my once-in-a-lifetime journey of 228 days and now trying to rewrite for my friends and family members to read what I experienced 35 years ago! Again thank you very much, Ludo Kuipers, for your great photos; they help me recall my fond memories of my journey in the past.
September 5, 2012, 6:20 am, *Ludo wrote:

Responding to VitsnuP: thank you for your message; no problem, but I would appreciate you indicate where the pics are from with a link to the site. A shame your sides went bad, mine are Kodachromes and I stored them with care; I am still scanning and have the means to enhance and do colour corrections; it is amazing how much you can get out of them sometimes!
September 4, 2012, 8:38 pm, *VitsnuP wrote:

As I was searching for photos of Afghanistan and Kandahar, I came across your site and very nice photos. I traveled with my friend from Germany via Afghanistan(hippies trail)to India in 1977. I did some photos but they're slides dia positives which turned bad and almost useless after 35 years old. I didn't realize it, until recently,that we can revive them by new technology, ie. have them digitally scanned and write them on discs. Now it's a bit too late for me and I lost most of my photos. How happy I was when I firstly found your site with such impressive photos of the past ! I would like to ask your kind permission as to let me use a few of your splendid photos of Kandahar and people to post on my facebook together with my short travel diary. Thank you very much in advance for your kind permission.
May 23, 2012, 11:45 pm, *Intrigued visitor wrote:

Great to see your photos and read about these places. I really am intrigued and hope to visit some day, especially Torres Strait and parts of the NT. Thanks for sharing!
May 6, 2012, 7:15 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Ludo, Thankyou for these wonderful images. I'm a Uni student, this semester we are studying Indigenous issues. I will use some of these images in my 2nd Assignment, making sure to reference this site.
April 25, 2012, 10:22 am, *Ludo wrote:

Replying to the post about the iNtwasa school: I left Swaziland in 1975 and haven't been back; LaMabuza would be an old lady now: it is almost 40 years ago I took those photos. This was not the only one, I remember coming across another one in northern Hhohho district when I lived there. I don't know what the situation is now, I think your best bet would be to go there and ask around!
April 25, 2012, 1:38 am, *anonymous wrote:

Thank you for such informative site. Please may i know if the iNtfwasa school of LaMabuza in Bethany near Matsapha in Swaziland,is still existing? if so, please may i have further details as to the contact numbers, directions to the place from South Africa.
April 24, 2012, 6:39 am, *William Ryan Kus wrote:

Thank you very much. I am researching the Kus family.
April 14, 2012, 3:02 am, *друг wrote:

Ludo aga calam alleikum.eto c katon karagaia otpravte.rad obhatcia
January 28, 2012, 4:36 pm, *Simon wrote:

great site you maintain here..
let me know when you have got back safely from your latest travels in cold wilds of central asia
Simon Lang
July 31, 2011, 11:29 pm, *Joy, corella creek wrote:

Thank you so much for posting the photo, I have fond memories of Borroloola and you captured the true pictures of what Aboriginal culture really means, the past the present and the future.
keep them coming you are doing a wonderful work.

July 9, 2011, 8:39 pm, *anonymous wrote:

this mesage is for mr. willy (balong) bala... hey men..... recognize me? i've been searching for you in face book and google... how are you men.. hows kuyang leo and sir zalde? i dont think so you frgot me coz im still using the pillow right now....
June 9, 2011, 4:16 pm, *Jani from Gjakova, Kosovo. wrote:

I myself am from Gjakova, and I would like to thank you so so much for the brief and excelent presentation of our town. The facts and the text is magnificent, just the photos are really really old, for example this one dates from th '50s, this is not who we are anymore. We have become much more modern people nowadays.
We have thrown the past behind us keeping only a few good memories.
I have created and still manage a web-page about Kosovo wich is in its first days but it's catching huge interest of the people. it's
Once again thank you very much and keep in touch.
You have my e-mail now:
May 6, 2011, 12:10 am, *anonymous wrote:

I stumble on this site by accident and recognise some photos of people of borroloola,I remember you and your camera,i was one of your student. I have very fond memories, but you capture the memories through your lens,the people,land,culture and knowledge.This site really capture the true escent of what this land means to aboriginal and why it is important to us. love your site and keep up the good work.
April 22, 2011, 10:16 am, *Gillian Stewart wrote:

I love your site.
I have pics of rock art at Nourlangi from 1972 when my husband was up that way working for Qld.Mines. Aboriginal artist Spider Murululmi of the Ngalgbon people worked in his crew and took him, our son, and the Qld.Mines guys on a special guided tour of Nourlangi. I can't see any pics on your site that match the pics I have...maybe a different gallery in the Rock area? Spider was guide for Eric Brandl, ex Mount Isa Mines guy, during his photographic research of rock art in the late 1960/early 70s.
And I have 2 bark paintings by Spider in 1972, Mimi and heirlooms now!
Will refer to your site in the brochure of my gemstone jewellery on Rock Artists.

April 13, 2011, 10:26 pm, *Mataranka township NT wrote:

Mataranka invites you to our annual Never Never Festival Come and spend some time in our town and see what we have to offer, a great weekend. 13th 14th 15th May 2011. for more info, and program flyer,
April 5, 2011, 9:36 pm, *revhead998 wrote:

Great site, you have photos of many places I have been, but unfortunatly now have very few photos remaining due to fire, floods and the progression of time. Thanks for rekindling the memories.
February 20, 2011, 3:16 pm, *alexia.thompson wrote:

January 7, 2011, 11:35 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Queenstown Tasmania is the oldest mining town in Australia with mining history dating back to 1862
December 14, 2010, 9:27 am, *Sigurd wrote:

How is the need for medical care around these areas? I'm a medical student with a global background, and I want to go somewhere I haven't been and offer my help where it's needed. In exchange I want to gain experiences, a bed to sleep on, and a few meals a day. If you know of any such places that are in need of such services, please contact me. Hope to hear from you
December 12, 2010, 10:42 am, *marolyn wrote:

Had a pen pal years wt ur name,i wonder if you r her, Trinadad
December 9, 2010, 7:34 am, *anonymous wrote:

This is amazing history. Thanks for that. Do you have pictures of contemporary Swaziland? I was only 4 years when these were taken, which means I have no connection to these events, I did not witness any of them. I have learned a lot.
December 9, 2010, 7:07 am, *swazigirl wrote:

Thank you for the wonderful pictures of Swaziland and Lesotho. I attended Evelyn Baring High School in Nhlangano in the 70's. I lived in Quiting for 2 years. I moved to the US in 1983 and have never returned. Your pictures are the best I have come across. Thank you for your generosity in posting them. You also posted a picture 'Girls during a chemistry lesson'. The girl's name is Lorraine Green-Thompson and not Lynette. Lynette was in the same class.

Thanks again for the beautiful pictures.
December 3, 2010, 11:15 am, *stacey wrote:

I love the view to Hinchinbrook Island as you drive up North. It takes your breath away and has to be one of the most stunning views in Queensland. Thanks for the photograph and the memories.
November 9, 2010, 3:50 pm, *DARWIN GIRL wrote:

Could you mob do an update on the photos or put in new pics please, i live in darwin and alot of things have changed especially the Darwin Harbour :) :)
October 29, 2010, 11:56 am, *anonymous wrote:

Wow, I'm thrilled to have stumbled on your site, thanks to my searching Google for Hannan St, Kalgoorlie. I'll be back, and thanks so much for the access to such wonderful photos. I love your eye for composition! Cheers, Jackie O'
September 1, 2010, 1:32 pm, *hannah musket wrote:

i luv thus site im always going to go on it and ill show my boy friend xiong when o get home
August 31, 2010, 1:24 pm, *Carlos stelzer wrote:

hi guyswas wondering if anyone knew of a Ramon Rodgers that was in Brisbane and later in Duncan island north Queensland back in around early 70's
the family have not seen him for 38 years, his mother's name is Nancy Lillian Rodgers major and father's name is Leslie stelzer
August 27, 2010, 4:10 am, *anonymous wrote:

I was stationed at US Naval communications Station Harold E Holt Exmouth AS located on the north west cape, just north of Exmouth,in 1972 and 73. I fell in love with As but being in the US Navy, I had to move on to fullfill my obligations. I miss As, and plan to revist the outback maybe even next year. you site has brought back many memories of friends and places (even the flies). Thank you for putting it up here. They called me Spangles one the cape
Robert M. Flores
RM1/E6 USN Retired
August 18, 2010, 6:23 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hvad handler denne side om?
Den er ret dårlig til engelsk i skolen.
August 17, 2010, 2:52 pm, *Tracy wrote:

I'm heading off to Mongolia and I wanted to be able to tell about the tradtional landowners of oz, these pictures would be awesome for them to look at. And can tell about the people way better than I can....
August 10, 2010, 8:24 pm, *Liam wrote:

Thanks a bunch for the images! I have used a few even in my powerpoint, and it has enhanced the appeal greatly :) very helpful guys, thanks!
August 10, 2010, 11:27 am, *anonymous wrote:

i live in australia and its amazing. love it here
May 29, 2010, 5:44 am, *anonymous wrote:

Australia are beautiful and worth visiting
May 27, 2010, 2:01 am, *hinterkress wrote:

For what it's worth, a small correction to the info about the SW of W.A. Bluff Knoll in the Stirling Ranges (north of Albany) is NOT the highest point in W.A. That title goes to Mt Meharry in the Pilbara region at 1253m. Incidently for anyone passing through that area, a visit to the nearby Karijini National Park is a must.Keep up the good work.
April 29, 2010, 11:26 am, *anonymous wrote:

what languages do u speak?
April 26, 2010, 4:10 pm, *BRUNO WILLIAMS wrote:

April 26, 2010, 4:08 pm, *SAWADU wrote:

April 25, 2010, 3:33 pm, *anonymous wrote:

I had a friend back in the 1980s I think her name was lisa.....? address was 6 jubily street tennant creek.if you have any info or know someone who has please contact me,marcus finlay
April 20, 2010, 9:18 pm, *Ludo wrote:

In the Flags of the World Website it states that :14 April 1954: Commonwealth Government 'Flags Act 1953' (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 24*) the status of The Flag confirmed by legislation and title to be the Australian National Flag. So it is 1954.
April 20, 2010, 12:58 pm, *anonymous wrote:

In your info it is stated '1954' as being the year of the Australian Flag but other sites give 1951 as the year od the end of the Blue Ensign. More ?? Tks.
April 8, 2010, 11:40 am, *anonymous wrote:

Greetings to you all of you from springtime austria... I have just seen ten canoes the first time and i really love this ... Hope you´re fine and things get well
April 5, 2010, 11:35 am, *Emma Kay wrote:

Thanks for the beautiful free e-postcards.
Emma Kay.
January 19, 2010, 11:50 am, *Brett wrote:

I must thank you. Just had one of the most overwhelming moments of my 55yr life. I lived in Djibouti for 2 yrs, '72-'74; just found your site & one of your photos seems to be of a young boy I used to buy newspaper & cherry gum from almost every day. I swear that's him. I was only 18ish then, but he was such a sweet kid - the europeans were mostly horrible to the african people then, I ended up in a fist fight with a fat frenchman over that kid. I've always cherished the memory of him - and to see him again really choked me up. I had an amazing time in Djibouti - it was still a French colony then - TFAI. Wish I could find my friends from that era.
Thanks again.
December 6, 2009, 11:03 pm, *Peta wrote:

I was wondering does anyone know of a boy named Eric or Ricky who was at Nugee Orphanage in Brisbane who was born in 1960. I really would like to get in contact with him.
December 4, 2009, 3:18 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hi Ludo and Len (Dad),
This is an awesome page! Congratulations Ludo these photos are stunning! I have used many of them in a powerpoint presentation I am doing about Oodgeroo Noonuccal and the Aboriginals.Thanks,
Keep up the amazing work!
November 17, 2009, 3:31 am, *Art Sahlstein wrote:

Is there any relics left of the lifeboat Quail at Garden Point Mission? My uncle was one of the crewmembers that escaped the Japanese to the safety and hospitality of your land.
Thanks Art Sahlstein
October 29, 2009, 1:14 am, *anonymous wrote:

its a good site
October 9, 2009, 8:39 am, *anonymous wrote:

awesome project, keep going !
October 6, 2009, 9:48 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hello Uncle how ru ? im very busy at work thats why i haven't called i'll calle when i get the chance.Hows your cousin?
October 2, 2009, 5:20 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Greetinga from Lorena!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your photos are always inspiring
September 29, 2009, 6:34 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hoi Ludo,Te gekke site. Af en toe kijk ik op jou site voor nieuwe foto's
Alles is oke hier in Assen en hoop je snel te zienBranko
August 9, 2009, 2:22 am, *anonymous wrote:

Terrific-looking work - and I've only just scratched the surface.
I'm researching a script (totally speculative) set in the central deserts. Presumptuous stuff for a whitefella living on the far side of the world, I admit, but I have travelled Oz at length as well. Thank you for the wonderful guidance this provides, especially in an area that deserves not to be misrepresented. Brian
August 3, 2009, 10:21 pm, *Steph wrote:

great site!
really helped me with my research on Aboriginal Dance :)
August 1, 2009, 6:48 pm, *anonymous wrote:

hellow, i was wondering if you could lend some of your knowledge........ i need to find out the population of all the torres strait islands, the width and length mof all the torres strait islands and what the different types of islands mean, IMMEDIATLEY. It would be gratefully thanked if all of this information was sent to me by monday 3rd of august. thank you so much :)
July 11, 2009, 9:14 am, *anonymous wrote:

ur photo and video are stunning and reflect probably the true picture of this culture. Thanks for this very valuable work.
June 12, 2009, 10:34 pm, *anonymous wrote:

What a great site !
Centro de Encontro Mozambique
April 26, 2009, 7:45 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hi,I was wondering if you could help me....An elderly gentleman that I know, served on Thursday Island during the WW2. Whilst he was there he helped in the construction of the road to the hospital. Apparently there was a large tree that got int he way, so they built the raod around it, with one lane on either side of the tree. He said they called it "The Wishing Tree" - saying that if you walked around it three times, and made a wish it would come true.The old man, really enjoyed staying on the Island, and has always wanted to return there. He has also wondered, after all these years, if the tree is still there. Could you please let me know so I can pass the news on to him. He would really love to find out if the tree is still standing.I hope you can answer my question.Thank you,Jenni Cotton
March 26, 2009, 11:44 am, *Bill W. wrote:

Amazing photos. Man feeding hyena is outstanding. Best not to try that trick at home if U have pet hyena.
March 5, 2009, 11:57 pm, *Gaby wrote:

Great site, very informative. Makes me homesick
February 11, 2009, 10:58 am, *Raine wrote:

Great site! Loved all the Swaziland photos! Great to see the country as I remember it. Will be in touch. Regards
December 28, 2008, 3:57 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hi, I am incredibly interested in mustering with an indigenous tribe in central australia to learn and discover the many wonders of our culture. Your photos are brilliant and inspiring. If you could please get back to me with any info on who i can contact n order for this to happen i would be so grateful. ta
November 28, 2008, 8:17 pm, *anonymous wrote:

Hello, I found your site today it is most enjoyable to view, The photography is excellent.
October 8, 2008, 5:08 am, *andrea wrote:

WOOOOOOOOOOOO, great site ! Very helpful for my researches about your culture, music and sounds, THANKS
October 6, 2008, 8:04 pm, *anonymous wrote:

my name is Jacqui and i am in search for a girl who lives on thursday isdand all i no is that her name was Stephanie and she played netball in Queensland of 2005? any info would be gr8 if any1 can help.
May 26, 2008, 4:51 pm, *anonymomous wrote:

This is so cool i like the quiz i got 90% wicked ha
May 1, 2008, 5:39 pm, *Laura wrote:

HIIIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA my name is Laura and I am 13 i am doing the Bungle Bungles as a school essa and if u have any info send it 2!! thx
April 23, 2008, 1:49 am, *JPCORNU wrote:

Welcome in "the" dream land!...
You never forget this time and nice people artist*
jean pierre Cornu*
April 13, 2008, 11:15 pm, *Michael wrote:

Hi to you MOB...My name is Michael and I have a documentary with my wife Samantha from the Kimberley's playing on NITV titled 4 Wheel Dreaming... I just want to say how proud I am of The Aboriginal Culture and finally the world and our Australian Government is listening to your Spirit, for to long it has gone unheard, but now I feel your ancestors and you have a powerful cultural voice again.Mine Muk

April 1, 2008, 9:03 pm, *Daniela wrote:

3 days ago on MAGNETIC ISLAND I talked to man who was second stage initiated. I wish I could have talked to him abit more, but I was quite frightened for not often do we encounter "man", and I didn't know how to behave.
February 24, 2008, 2:34 pm, *anonymous wrote:

hey there im nyoogar i live in perth im 26 and im loving life
February 23, 2008, 3:29 pm, *from Diane wrote:

Hi everyone, I live at Brighton in Tasmania, a small town about an hours drive from Hobart. I live on a property of over 300 acres. I have lived my whole life in Tasmania but I have never seen all of it. Thankyou for a great website, so easy to use, and the information is good and the pictures are fantastic. I intend to come back and use your site regularly, and to even read all the articles.
February 22, 2008, 2:03 pm, *anonymous wrote:

my mum has no birthcertificate and is now 50+ years old she was put in nudgee orphanage in 1960 and doesnt know her family name someone must miss a sister or daughter from 1960 email me
February 12, 2008, 4:25 pm, *anonymous wrote:

hi guys has it been good or what hi my name is crystal post and i live in a town called Australia i live in queens land and i live in a town called ayr it is a great city but when it rains it does not flood but some time
January 25, 2008, 12:22 pm, *penny lang wrote:

Hi Ludo

just thought I'd let you know that Simon put me on to your site. hope all is well up north in Gordonvale and if you are ever down Brisbane way would enjoy catching up.
penny (Bob Lang's daughter)
January 13, 2008, 11:20 pm, *Simon and Carolyn Lang wrote:

Hi Ludo! Great to see your photos. We want to hear from you. We are in Perth now. Simon and Carolyn Lang
December 20, 2007, 10:12 am, *Margaret Davidson wrote:

My Father was Farm Manager at Areyonga in the 1960's. It was so great to be able to see what it looks like today, and it sure has changed since we lived there. The happiest time of my fathers life was when he was at Areyonga. Thank you
This website is great and so well presented.Thank you
December 4, 2007, 1:44 pm
I´ve been twice in Australia, but the second time over there,I was in Alice Spring, Uluru, etc... was a very special experience to met your people, real people from the begining of times. I hope to come back soon again to your land and I wish in the future to work and live with your comunities, thats my dream from I was a young boy.
Madrid (Spain) - November 26, 2007, 2:56 am
hey black people im a young 15 white aboriginal just here to say Nyoogar Mob proud to be black and im gunna say it loud and other Aboriginals out there just one thing Katitjin meanin 4 learnin or understadin
Darwin, Aust - Tuesday, Oct 16, 2007, 01:04:40 AM
I enjoyed browsing your website today and have added it to my favourites. My husband and I have recently moved to Yuendumu and I was so pleased to be able to send a postcard with a great ariel view of this special community to all our family and friends. Thankyou
Jenny & Allen Website Google
Yuendumu, Australia - Tuesday, Sep 18, 2007, 00:56:17 AM
Thanks for your great website, I have travelled some of Ausralia, it is an amzing country I hope to see much more of it in the future, keeps up the good work.
Victoria, Australia - Thursday, Sep 06, 2007, 07:40:58 AM
September 6, 2007, 5:59 am, *Branko wrote:

Hoi Ludo of moet ik nu in het engels.

Hou het maar in nederlands maar een te gekke side van jou. Jij bent een top fotograaf en laat veel zien van de landen met veel info wat buiten de boekjes staat.

Super werk tot gauw

As an admirer of native people from all over world, I'm really thankful for this site because it provided a lot of information about aboriginal culture, which some people still prejudice. Those cannot see real beauty of ancient and proud people. Thank you very much (sorry for bad english...)
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Monday, Sep 03, 2007, 20:59:12 PM
Hello, My name is Debra, I am 19 and am aboriginal. I dropped out of school when I was 16 years old to have a baby and I found it so hard to manage as i had no help as well. I am now going back to school to finish. We can do anything if we try hard enough.... Stick to it all my love
Debra - Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA - Sunday, Jul 29, 2007, 20:27:46 PM
Thanks for a great site! I have a grandson who is touring Australia with People to People. What a great way to keep up with his travels and take a look at what he is seeing each day!
x, not stated - Sunday, Jul 01, 2007, 15:15:23 PM
Yes, your website is really great!
hhhhhh - May 3, 2007, 4:56 pm
Great website. Keep up the great work. I would love to do more quizzes!!
Dennis Maddock - April 26, 2007, 11:08 am
Hi! Nice website.
*anonymous - April 23, 2007, 10:22 pm
Hi my name is Duane Charlie. I grew up in a small town called Borroloola. Having an aboriginal mother and a white father who was absent for most of my child hood. I wanted to leave a message as I noticed I was in a few photos and videos, and I also remember Ludo who took them. Looking at this website brought back many good memories, and I felt very proud of my culture and heritage as an aboriginal man. These pictures will always be there to remind me of my past and my family, so keep up the good work with this website. Peace. Chino
Duane Charlie
lilydale vic, Australia - Sat Mar 31 21:10:34 2007
Hello! I am from the capital of the United States of America and am enthralled by this great site dedicated to the Real People of Australia. It's offered vast information on the ways and life of one of the oldest civilizations and cultures of the world. It's amazing and beautiful!
Washington DC, - Wed Mar 21 20:23:54 2007
Hey! my name is Michelle McInnerney and i am half aboriginal and t.i and i am proud of my self because i can do anything to respect my people and culture. I also love dancing i have been dancing at the age of 3 i learnt hip hop and culture dancing i have been doing it every time i go somewhere i even taught other kids how to dance non-aboriginal's and they like i have been teaching them some of my talk and they love it so much....i also love meeting new people and different elders” yeh i am very proud of myself and my people, i also love my home town Wooarabinda....but i like to see other places...but i would like to say this site is so deadly that i wish that i can see everything in real life...hahaha...nah gammon but yeh..well i got to go i'll talk to you fellas later.
Woorabinda - Tue Mar 13 02:06:55 2007 (EST)
hi my name is cassandra williams and i come from alice springs and i think that this website is very good love always cassandra williams
cassandra williams
alice springs, N.T Australia - Saturday, 11 March, 2006 at 05:49:01 (EST)
Hi my name is Stollustus, I'm from Germany and I just wanted to say that your Homepage looks great. See ya later alligator ;)
Breiddenbach Ciddy, Hessen Germany - Friday, 24 February, 2006 at 05:47:03 (EST)
hey good black people i am a 18 year old young black women so much is expected of us whilst growing up and coming of age but if that is the way to learn the way of a black persons life so be it i live on a very tiny island in the torres strait the population on this island is around 45 people to be honest i think there are more dogs here then people each household may at least own 5 dogs me i own more than enough 2 any ways off the dogs. my family lives in townsville. being here has made me realise how much and how important it is to have your family with you. i ahve lived away from them for just under a year i have been missin out on seeing my sisters and brothers grow up but i will be home in no time.... living up here i have had to tell a lot of people off i know island people and aboriginal people have their differences but i dont take part of any side cos i am both. i told them i am of the aboriginal background i know i am from palm island but i would really like to know more of my aboriginal heritage..... i am proud to say that i am a aboriginal and i am not scared or discouraged in anyway.....
stephen island, qld australia - Monday, 20 February, 2006 at 21:33:34 (EST)
i am looking for my daughter she was fostered out in south australia her name is sheanta leigh GUNN, my number is 0406062384 if you can help me please call my number any time thank you
sara armitage
wolllongong, n.s.w australia - Monday, 20 February, 2006 at 16:25:36 (EST)
Hi good people. I'm coming from South Australia, I am a poet and an Indigenous artist, I am sending you one of my poems, visit my website if you like you can read more of my poetry. DREAMING SPIRITS by jennifer Jandruwanda (C) 2002 Dreaming Spirits look down on my home still being my Maker when my soul will roam and Mother Earth I came from Your Womb I am a culture of Dignity and Gloom Indigenous Spirits bless me each day and guide my people in harmony I pray.
Elizabeth, South Australia Australia - Wednesday, 08 February, 2006 at 17:41:19 (EST)
This webbie is great for looking at different places. NOT bad chicks. you are all great at what you have dont keep up the gr8 work 4 eva sincerly, Taylah Jade
Warwick, QLD OZ - Wednesday, 25 January, 2006 at 23:47:23 (EST)
Cool site i have just got back from a months holiday in thursday island and didnt get many photos taken. i found your site and showed all my friends photos from it excellent!!!
QUILPIE, QLD AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, 25 January, 2006 at 07:54:27 (EST)
Just got back from NZ, and spread the word about It was the only way I could describe our unique cultures in not only Australia, but the beautiful NQ. Big eso for your marvelous input to sharing culture. Sharing IS understanding!
Gordonvale, QLD Australia - Monday, 09 January, 2006 at 22:38:25 (EST)
hello everyone i am looking for a lulu that came from thursday island.I met her in Brisane 19 yrs ago....i am now in my early 50s and would like to catch up with.She invited me to her home if i ever came to thursday island.I was pregnant at the time i met Lulu and i would dearly love to catch up with her.and yes she was a native thursday islander so if anyone can put me in contact with her i would greatly appreciate it...thank u E.murray
sydney, NSW australia - Friday, 16 December, 2005 at 22:57:59 (EST)
Hello every one, I am from Bulgaria and was hoping to find any other friendly Bulgarian people in the area, or even in Victoria, especially coming up to christmas. I have been in Australia for 3 months and have just started missing home and would love to talk to any one. I look forward to hearing from you
Plamen Ivanov
Shepparton (stara zagora), Victoria Australia (Bulgaria) - Wednesday, 07 December, 2005 at 05:17:57 (EST)
I was wondering if the Balgo photos were fairly recent (2004-5) or if they were archived from years back. I visited the other side of Australia, Newcastle and Sydney very *briefly* while serving onboard a U.S. Coast Guard icebreak (CGC Polar Sea) enroute to Antarctica back in 1990. I am also a member of a Native American ("American Indian") tribe called the Hunkpapa-Lakota (or "Sioux") and our government-recognized land, similar to an Australian Aboriginal Reserve, is the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. I happen to live near the Yakama Indian Reservation where I teach kids the tradition of powwow-style drumming. There is much in common between the aboriginal ways of both continents, for sure!
Jim Roberts
Yakima, Washington United States - Wednesday, 07 December, 2005 at 03:46:27 (EST)
I was wondering if the Balgo photos were fairly recent (2004-5) or if they were archived from years back. I visited the other side of Australia, Newcastle and Sydney very *briefly* while serving onboard a U.S. Coast Guard icebreak (CGC Polar Sea) enroute to Antarctica back in 1990. I am also a member of a Native American ("American Indian") tribe called the Hunkpapa-Lakota (or "Sioux") and our government-recognized land, similar to an Australian Aboriginal Reserve, is the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. I happen to live near the Yakama Indian Reservation where I teach kids the tradition of powwow-style drumming. There is much in common between the aboriginal ways of both continents, for sure!
Jim Roberts
Yakima, Washington United States - Wednesday, 07 December, 2005 at 03:45:51 (EST)
I am looking for Robert, Carol or Gretel Grebert, last known whereabouts Bamaga fnq. If Either they are reading this or someone knows anything, please contact me at the above E-mail address. I grew up with this family and I am desperate to find them, thank-you.!!!!
Charis Wright
Bundaberg, QLD Australia - Thursday, 01 December, 2005 at 21:53:54 (EST)
Thankyou people .. let it be known your all worth all that.. and more.. I didn't realise so many overseas people had their eyes open to the culture and appreciation of our indigenous Australians. Cool, choice.. Blessings, Health,Love and Harmony.Nat
Natalie Pearson
Queensland Australia - Wednesday, 30 November, 2005 at 10:35:45 (EST)
I stubbled across this site as my child is 13 and never met his father or aware of any cultural connections.. I typed the Torres Strait Island of concern and this site came up, so thankyou for the experience its been a very emotional one.. and sure as time goes on it will turn into an educational one.. Bless you and all cultural People for the gift of SHaring.. love Me.. Nat Pearson.
Natalie Pearson
Queensland Australia - Wednesday, 30 November, 2005 at 10:27:17 (EST)
hi everyone!!! i'm here in school doing this school project thingy...but anyway.... so mst of the people n here are probs not in highschool... but i am!!! well i hope of the people who take their time to read this message are well.... and i've got to go cause our teacher will probaly get mad... so bibi from...lara :)
brisbane, queensland australia - Monday, 28 November, 2005 at 19:34:39 (EST)
Hello. Any Koories out there making HATBANDS for broadbrim hats. Let's know if your interested. Thanks Andy
Andrew Treffry
GEELONG, Victoria Australia Australia - Sunday, 27 November, 2005 at 02:28:46 (EST)
Se que es como buscar una aguja en un pajar, pero Troy es conocido en Venezuela, seguro es mas conocido en Australia. La familia Dann' tiene en Scott Dann' su principal representante.
Venezuela, Carabobo Valencia - Thursday, 17 November, 2005 at 10:36:02 (EST)
You mob Should go up to Kowanyama and Take photo's of the beautiful sceneary the best time to go up is in the RODEO time in August they have the best rodeo events and are worth a look good photo opportunities.
Nekayla Rosser
Cairns, Quensland Australia - Monday, 14 November, 2005 at 00:19:34 (EST)
Well I'm From Yarrabah about 2km just south of Cairns and well Yarrie as us mob up this way call it is much the same as most missions small and underfunded and of course the government up this way still don't give a Rats... about the community well besides living in Yarrabah I've also lived in Kowanyama and I love that place to bits but I wish the people who "think about the well being of BLACK PEOPLE" would acctually get up off their asses and do something about the SLIGHT but OBVIOUS problems of Petrol Sniffing, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Other such Probelms that are all too real and are constantly and continueously affecting our mob in small Communities in Just about Every State Of Australia.
Nekayla Rosser
Cairns, Queensland Australia - Monday, 14 November, 2005 at 00:13:27 (EST)
Wow, pictures. impressive
mentha piperita
perth, wa australia - Sunday, 06 November, 2005 at 23:21:26 (EST)
here a mesage all indian and aboriginal peoples come together we havent got much time,cut the trees down and wonder weres the rain,drirl holes in the ground so they can store nuclear waste,why in the north could it be they want to poisen the ground,a say indian people come together,much love 4 you your sole is real,a say come together,from the peoples of the sun.
brisbane, qld the world - Tuesday, 01 November, 2005 at 06:40:52 (EST)
This is the BOMBEST website i have ever seen,i am from the Torres Strait Islands and i never new they had this site so yaeh i enjoyed going through it !!!!!!!!
Sawadu Dai
Darwin, NT Australia - Monday, 31 October, 2005 at 19:10:14 (EST)
It's possible the mirriwung men painting is from australia not tasmania? I cannot find anyone who know of it there and Torres strait also seems to be above queensland. I would really like to know. Are there any rock painting or petros that you know are from TAsmania? thanks so much, waiting for info, melanie
solo, java indonesia - Tuesday, 18 October, 2005 at 04:38:36 (EDT)
HOLA Australianos, les envio un calido saludo desde Venezuela. Y me pregunto si al alguna persona me puede ayudar a encontrar a Troy Dann, del programa del outback adventure, o su club de fan. Super GRACIAS.
octiris ozabarrios
valencia, Carabobo Venezuela - Saturday, 15 October, 2005 at 23:26:00 (EDT)
hi and how is your day
Annie Aruba
northern Queensland Boigu Island - Tuesday, 11 October, 2005 at 22:42:48 (EDT)
I sing with a 5-part harmony group. We are singing the Island Songs composed by Stephen Leek. The songs are based on traditional folk songs of the Torres Straits Islands. I looked at your website to get some information for our concert notes! Looks beautiful - wish they weren't so far away!
Isobel O'Connor
cambridge, England - Friday, 30 September, 2005 at 15:51:26 (EDT)
This is a really good website, even better when I found a Photo of myself from the 5th Festival of Pacific Arts. The group I was dancing for "Zeuber Erkep" which is situated here in Townsville, I am now the President of the Corporation. Thanks again Oz Outback!
Aicie Day
Townsville, Queensland Australia - Thursday, 29 September, 2005 at 23:56:24 (EDT)
Amber McGinness
Townsville, QLD Australia - Wednesday, 07 September, 2005 at 00:42:22 (EDT)
Dream Country Dream Website I know I lived there for 10 happy years very informative site
joseph schembri
st.pauls bay, malta - Sunday, 04 September, 2005 at 05:57:59 (EDT)
I accidently found this website and I think its great!! I will be linking it to my website and have already told many people about this site already!! great work oz outback!!!!
A.C.T Australia - Wednesday, 31 August, 2005 at 07:36:03 (EDT)
i really like the website. i reckon it's really great that we can send a post card to my friends
elleviah jones
Bamaga, qld Australia - Thursday, 25 August, 2005 at 19:40:27 (EDT)
After watching the "Sunday" programme today,it was about the remote town of Balgo,how sad it is to see people living the way they are, My Aboriginal husband(he's a koori) and I have just bought our 2nd home, he's 29 im 33, we have 5 kids between 2 and 13, and although we struggle financially,we are happy.Now what really gives me the shites is Michael Mansell and his Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre in Hobart, they get so much funding its disgraceful, The wider aboriginal community,that have nothing to do with the TAC get nothing, we dont care, as our family access the usual australian services, The TAC seem to have the best and most expensive cars going,and whatever else they dip their hands into, Hobart and its surrounding suburbs have everything you need close by,so the average blackfella has upfront access to whatever they need,yet you see the members of the Balgo community have bugger all, If Mr Mansell is as Aboriginal as he says he is,he would be man enough to clamp down on his little bonuses and send it to the "real blackfellas" that have nowt!! try selling a few of those nice subarus that you drive Mr Mansell,and your umm little mates can im sure do the same thing!!!nuff said.
Catriona MacKenzie
Im a Sydney Gal, Tasmania australia - Sunday, 21 August, 2005 at 01:13:32 (EDT)
I really learning about Austrialia and looking at the beautiful photos. THe photos are so unique. Thankyou for this lovely web site. i have always been fasinated with the the Outback experience.
capitol heights, Maryland US - Sunday, 07 August, 2005 at 03:01:22 (EDT)
I am white Australian Born. Never felt that I belong to any community, Until Been told about the Aborinal ways of living, culture. Faith. Ect. Plus reading up on everything. I felt whole, I love to learn more and be a big part of the Aboriginal community, I like to give a part of myself to the community. Thank you for your time
Parkdale, Victora Australia - Sunday, 31 July, 2005 at 10:26:33 (EDT)
Cool site :)
wodonga, Victoria australia - Friday, 29 July, 2005 at 06:50:29 (EDT)
I am a children's author. Next book is called Fergus Down Under, about a colt who learns to play soccer in 1st book Fergus, the Soccer Playing Colt. Great Reviews, but now I want do do one with Fergus in Australia. I need a dialogue with someone, so that I can get things right since I cannot afford a trip there. Can you help me with referrals, etc. Also what might be the Aboriginal name (Northern Territory) for a Golden Horse? Odd request, but I'd appreciate it if you could help me Dan Peterson
dan peterson
Sandy, Utah USA - Saturday, 16 July, 2005 at 15:09:08 (EDT)
After living in Tennant Creek,N/T for the first 8 months while in Oz, I think there is much more local interest in the area then the "Marbles". The tourist centre at the old mine is just one example.. I think you're doing great things, but show more "reality" sites..
Walter Lee
Lincroft, New Jersey USA - Thursday, 14 July, 2005 at 22:53:17 (EDT)
my message to anyone who is Australian Indigenous but skin can pass as non Indigenous my brother and sisters dont be shamed of your culture and your heritage be proud, because when you be shamed of your culture and heritage you are being ashamed of your ancestors and family before you.and when you start living a lie you cant be at peace with yourself. i work in a Catholic school where lot of children are fair skinned but shame too be proud of who they are and that is so sad. i have fair skin to but i am proud of who i am. my nana's sister was part of the stolen generation and my mum only found her auntie and family through a story on sbs a few years back,i was so happy for her but very angry at how much we as a family have missed out on. so be proud we have alot to be proud of.
Innisfail, queensland australia - Tuesday, 07 June, 2005 at 19:59:45 (EDT)
This is a deadly website and was very useful for information! Keep up the good work and keep taking them DEADLY pictures.
Brisbane, QLD Australia - Thursday, 02 June, 2005 at 21:38:34 (EDT)
I am assist Joey leader, need to find out about message stick so boys can make one to give to another mob, want to tell them they are friends in scouting. Any help please email....Mike
Mike Knight
Kirwan, Queensland Australia - Sunday, 29 May, 2005 at 04:33:13 (EDT)
I think toress straight islanders are the greatest people and this is why,,,, I was kicked out of home when i was 13 years of age i was sent to a shelter for 3 months after that three months i left and went to a mates house for the week end i told his mum ganalai anau what had happend and she took me in straight away she offed to addopt me my mum wouldnt let her even though she kicked me out. i have been living with them for 4 years now and they trreat me as one of there own im planning to go to boigu for the christmas holidays and spear my first dugong i have loved living with them from day 1 and will be loving them for the rest of my life. i wouldnt be alive if it wasnt for them i was once crossing a train bridge with my small bala lonnie anau when a train came lonnie started running back to help- me i told him to go back i made him go back i started running across the bridge and slipt my hand would have been cut off if i didnt let go but i did i broke my leg, i had to run from a lady with a brocken leg "pain full" any way thats my story (thanks mum and dad) mother ganalai anau father lonnie toby
curtis anau
Cairns, queensland Australia - Thursday, 26 May, 2005 at 00:26:50 (EDT)
Great Website. I'll be visiting you in August, 2005, arriving on The Ghan!
CK Oliver
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA - Wednesday, 25 May, 2005 at 09:13:45 (EDT)
I liked your site, really informative website, some good links too. BSP Gallery Bookshop old and rare books. BOOKS AND MEMORABILIA including literature, performing arts, first editions, Pacificana, sport, cricket, music, antiques, military, shipping, aviation history, art, craft, Australian, old postcards.
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Tuesday, 03 May, 2005 at 09:26:05 (EDT)
Great site. Heaps of beautiful photos. Goes to show you that Australia is a wonderful place full of all sorts of different scenery.
Tauranga, New Zealand - Sunday, 01 May, 2005 at 02:01:00 (EDT)
Hi! Being from Bamaga Far Nth Qld is sometimes hard to explain where I'm from and your site is a breath of fresh air and will definately recommend to anyone who can't find Bamaga on the atlas or map. It's about time. Excellent Job & Thanx Heapz
Mary Wasiu
Canberra, ACT Australia - Friday, 15 April, 2005 at 00:29:42 (EDT)
Just be surfing around in net. I definitely found a very informal place with a lot of good stuff for everybody. I will certainly visit your site again sometime. Really good work.
- Tuesday, 29 March, 2005 at 04:06:27 (EST)
Love the web site.. wonderful photos and we have seen so much of this country too. Appreciate it all and cant get enough of the scenes you have. Great stuff. Jean
Jean Winterfield
Mt Gambier SA, South Austrlia Australia - Sunday, 20 March, 2005 at 22:42:23 (EST)
My bala you suck, make me miss tha place again. oh catch ya round later. love ya small sis
Mount Isa, QLD Australia - Thursday, 17 March, 2005 at 23:41:32 (EST)
GAWLER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, 09 March, 2005 at 01:39:25 (EST)
I loved those pictures of TI My Beautiful Home! I spent a very happy year on TI in 1976 and I am going back in April albeit on a very short 5-day boat trip aboard the MV Trinity, stopping for just a few hours at TI. Perhaps I can make contact there with Brian Pearson (ex-skipper of the TI) and Roly of the Rainbow Motel if they are still on the island and if they still remember me. I would love to go up there again; I am now in retirement and would love to do some volunteer work on TI if my skills could be used - see . If anybody on TI reads this, I am arriving on TI aboard the MV Trinity Bay on Sunday, 24 April. See you then! With all best wishes Peter Goerman
Peter Goerman
Batemans Bay, NSW Australia - Friday, 04 March, 2005 at 00:53:47 (EST)
I realy LOVED looking at these photo's of my fathers real home. I hope and pray that I will be able to get there and visit my fathers family really soon and see for myself the beauty of dads home Islands for myself.
Rebecca Mara
Morwell, Victoria Australia - Monday, 28 February, 2005 at 18:05:15 (EST)
I hate the U.K After living in oz and coming here...well i hate it
Nick Kennedy
Isle of Wight U.K - Thursday, 24 February, 2005 at 11:35:31 (EST)
Just wanna say hi to Leonie Thomas of QLD!
Leonie Thomas
Darwin, Northern Territory Australia - Saturday, 19 February, 2005 at 10:45:25 (EST) AMAZING! Incredibly, beautiful, wonderful people and land. I am doing a university project on the rise of civilization in AUS, Torres Strait and New Guinea, and I have to say your site was so amazingly helpful, and I love the pictures, too!! Thank you so much, keep telling us the people's stories!
Utah USA - Saturday, 05 February, 2005 at 16:01:09 (EST)
You surely have one of the most interesting sites in net. I believe in your way of doing, so go on this way. It' surely the right way.
UK - Wednesday, 26 January, 2005 at 06:49:06 (EST)
Just be surfing around in net. I definitely fpund a very informal place with a lot of good stuff for everybody. I will certainly visit your site again sometime. Really good work.
UK - Tuesday, 25 January, 2005 at 04:31:00 (EST)
I spent close to a year back in 1977 on beautiful Ti and having eaten from the wongai tree, I have always wanted to come back. Perhaps I can visit there again sometime soon. In the meantime, I wonder if some of the people I used to know are still there: Brian Pearson for example who used to skipper the IIB boat the "TI" and whatever happened to Cecil Burgess? And Nona who worked as ledger machinist in the IIB office. And the chap who worked for IIB and who with his wife owned that motel in Douglas Street that had all those blow fishes hanging from the ceiling in the restaurant? I'd loved to hear from anybody who'd like to tell me a bit more about TI as it is today. Best wishes Peter
Nelligen, N.S.W. Australia - Tuesday, 25 January, 2005 at 00:30:08 (EST)
our message is our music,join us, u belong
the bleed
sydney, nsw Aus - Monday, 03 January, 2005 at 02:51:17 (EST)
Just surfed in and found this really interesting place here. A lot of good stuff for everybody. Go on like this and i will surely visit your site again sometime.
Be Sunshine
- Wednesday, 29 December, 2004 at 07:34:58 (EST)
This is a wonderful wealth of information. I will definitely revisit this site in the future. This site has a lot of great info for my project. I find very your site interessant and I will immediately put it to put it in my favourites. Thank You!
- Thursday, 23 December, 2004 at 05:22:23 (EST)
I just surfed in this great place. i took a few minutes of my spare time and surfed over your sites. Great kompliment! It´s one of the best I found in net.
GER - Thursday, 16 December, 2004 at 05:31:02 (EST)
very interesting site,i like to say hello to everyone out there..
mount isa, queensland - Tuesday, 14 December, 2004 at 20:21:18 (EST)
Lovely country !!!!! I've been there a several times from east to West from North to South.If you are traveling trough Balgo station before the end of this year and you see a Dutchman with a brush in his hand to paint different objects in Balgo station,please say hello to my brother
Maastricht, Holland - Sunday, 12 December, 2004 at 04:45:48 (EST)
It's very nice to see the lovely pictures from my favorit country, I even feel a little home sick here in Holland :( ;) Keep going on!
Noord Brabant Holland - Thursday, 09 December, 2004 at 16:09:28 (EST)
Hallo you! Great site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommend your page to all my friends. I heard of your site and just wanted to see what´s up here. Really nice place. See you again sometime. I wish you great success, good luck and a lot of fun for the future. Maybe one day you will really be the best of all.
- Tuesday, 07 December, 2004 at 04:09:51 (EST)
A friend told me of your site. He said that I will find just the information here I was looking for. That was definitely right. Good work.
- Monday, 22 November, 2004 at 04:25:58 (EST)
QLD - Saturday, 30 October, 2004 at 11:57:33 (EDT)
Interesting site. Have just been through that country.
Darcy Nugent
Lismore. New South Wales., New South Wales Australia - Thursday, 28 October, 2004 at 22:44:48 (EDT)
keep up the good work. Greetings Tom
- Friday, 08 October, 2004 at 09:17:52 (EDT)
Hallo you! Great site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I just surfed in this great place. I took a few minutes of my spare time and surfed over your sites. Great kompliment! It´s one of the best I found in net. wish you great success, good luck and a lot of fun for the future. See you again sometime.
NL - Thursday, 07 October, 2004 at 10:26:00 (EDT)
Mount Isa, QLD Australia - Friday, 24 September, 2004 at 01:03:39 (EDT)
Great site
nimbin, nsw australia - Thursday, 16 September, 2004 at 11:11:42 (EDT)
i just love reading your pages have not long had internet but will be back
marion english
pittsworth queensland, queensland australia australia - Thursday, 16 September, 2004 at 02:00:17 (EDT)
very nice and interesting sites.
NL - Wednesday, 15 September, 2004 at 09:34:21 (EDT)
Really good work. Great sites.
uk - Thursday, 09 September, 2004 at 04:13:46 (EDT)
Lovely pages you have, lots of interesting information :)
P. Silli
Finland - Wednesday, 08 September, 2004 at 01:26:21 (EDT)
I absolutly love learning about T.I and my back round culture!! The pictures are awesome and the history is great, although i was a little up-set not to find anything on Stephen Island and the history behind it. If it is possible can you send me sopmething on it! Thankyou sooooo much for the adventure!
Saskia Williams
Cairns, Queensland Australia - Monday, 06 September, 2004 at 22:33:52 (EDT)
hi i love the this website its extremly well done..and being white australian...its nice to see a great representation of your people..instead of what we hear from the bloody government..will u have any bush foods for n.s.w or other places..and more information on how you catch see animals crabs/fish...and what kinda foods u find on the land..and how u search for them...thanks for a most informative site
sydney, n.s.w sydney Australia of course - Monday, 23 August, 2004 at 03:06:48 (EDT)
I really enjoy being at this informal place. Wish you luck and success for the future. Surely see you again sometime.
Meus Hinrich
n.y., - Friday, 20 August, 2004 at 04:34:44 (EDT)
hi this website is the bomb!we need some more of Torres Strait Islanders because I'm from Saibai Is
Brisbane, Queensland Australia - Thursday, 19 August, 2004 at 00:55:53 (EDT)
My students are going to love visiting this website. You have done such a great job!
Ipswich, Queensland Australia - Sunday, 25 July, 2004 at 01:05:51 (EDT)
it has been a dream for quite some time, i'm really setting my foot there and i want to say that it will only take matter of time cos time will only tell when i see this wonderful place. ta, Panky from the land of the unexpected.
Clyde Lovuru
Port Moresby, - Papua New Guinea - Sunday, 11 July, 2004 at 00:37:39 (EDT)
deadly website unna.
sharron lawrence
melbourne, victoria australia - Monday, 28 June, 2004 at 07:45:14 (EDT)
Hi There, Greetings from South Florida. I am an Irish girl currently living in South Florida. I stumbled across this site by accident and I must admit it was impressive. So I could not leave without at least saying Hi!
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA united states - Tuesday, 15 June, 2004 at 20:05:21 (EDT)
great site. best way of comiunicating is message sitck. aborigins are clever people
- Sunday, 13 June, 2004 at 21:54:59 (EDT)
very nice web site well done.
- Sunday, 13 June, 2004 at 21:49:50 (EDT)
Hi I am an aboriginal girl and for my age i am pretty smart. I have been learning about both aboriginal and torres strait islanders past and I must admit that the british people were very prejudice and mean (racist).well must go and i must say i was happy to share my thoughts and information with you.
chelsea wharton
cunnamullla, Queensland australia - Wednesday, 02 June, 2004 at 20:45:32 (EDT)
im an aboriginal kid from kununuraa and i wanted to see more pictures of other aboriginals children like me. i was also doing a projoects so thankyou for the pictures. im doing an article about the stolen generation and have found alot about it. im an aboriginal kid and proud of it. thanx for the deadly website and ill be visiting it again. see you mob lub emma
kununurra, Western Australia the kimberleys - Monday, 31 May, 2004 at 09:50:05 (EDT)
I just stumbled on this site and it is a very good site and i learnt quite a bit from it keep up the gr8 work aimee
Cherbourg, QLD Australia - Sunday, 30 May, 2004 at 23:14:35 (EDT)
I am very impressed with your website. As a black American, I'm fascinated with the lifestyles of blacks from other parts of the world. I never thought I could see a black person with naturally blonde hair, until I visited your site. Thanks for a wonder photographically informative site.
ATLANTA, GA USA - Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 at 15:24:37 (EDT)
I am in love with a man who lives in Australia. I met him here in Seattle and hope someday we can be together. I never knew I could be so interested in another country. The question is when will I move there? Hopefully someday. thank you.
julie Cascioppo
Seattle, washington usa - Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 at 13:53:04 (EDT)
i jus hav 2 say thank you very much 4 making this site, i am doing an aboriginal art project at school and was finding it very hard to get any imfomartion till i got to this site so i thought i wolud leva my thanks here 4 you! xxx
pam cooney
England - Tuesday, 18 May, 2004 at 15:44:58 (EDT)
Hello, I enjoyed the photos very much, especially those of South Australia where I lived as a teenager. Will come pack to this site very often. Best wishes - Aussiefan
NRW Germany - Wednesday, 12 May, 2004 at 11:57:43 (EDT)
I happen to find Ayers Rock and the photo of the Smokey Bay to be breathtaking. I plan to visit Australia before the age of thirty-five and I think Smokey Bay will be one of the few places I plan on visiting.
sault.ste.marie, ontario canada - Thursday, 06 May, 2004 at 12:09:45 (EDT)
Mimili is a cool place!!!!
Alice Springs, N.T Australia - Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 at 22:49:32 (EDT)
i want to visit australia very much. if i can visit i would like to see the places that we see pictures of it in this web site.
- Sunday, 18 April, 2004 at 08:49:36 (EDT)
very nice web site well done.
- Sunday, 18 April, 2004 at 08:44:51 (EDT)
I was searching for pictures for a project and found that there were some very nice ones in your files, I really thank you for creating a sight for the download of Aboriginal photo's and landscapes, from what I have seen of other countries there are lots to choose from, but unfortunately Australia has very little sites for Aboriginal Culture and landscapes. keep up the good work. Ron
Ron Bellch
Jamestown, South Australia Australia - Thursday, 15 April, 2004 at 08:17:21 (EDT)
I am a year 9 student studying at PLC. I am doing a project on The Bungle Bungles and I am struggling to find information on the folowing questions. LAND USE In what major important ways is the land used? Describe the industry that employs the most people, indicating its importance to the town's prosperity. WATER RESOURCES What natural water resources are availaible in the region? To what extent have they been modified by industry? LAND CARE In what other ways has the natural environment been affected by the industry in the region/town? What pressures are placed on the environment for the sake of industry and employment? In other words, what is the level of interdependence between the people and the place? Has this changed in recent times. To what extent have individuals and groups acted to sustain the environment? When you address this important question you must take a balanced approach and you must address all the issues that are involved, eg sustainability, employment, production of a valued product, income for the town. It would be a great help if you could reply a.s.a.p. You have a great site and the work you are doing is really fascinating. I really admire what you have done. Congratulations. Sarah.
Perth, WA Australia - Saturday, 27 March, 2004 at 00:34:23 (EST)
Good to see some good images from Laura. I have been fortunate to travel many times throughout the area and attend some of the Laura festivals. I have some images on my website and you are welcome to view. Yours Sincerely Barry Acott
barry acott
adelaide, sa australia - Monday, 15 March, 2004 at 19:37:21 (EST)
great site!!hope to visit your country!i'd like to chat with friends down under!mail me please!xxxx from cold Belgium!
Bredene, Europe Belgium - Saturday, 13 March, 2004 at 06:36:44 (EST)
your site is rather intriguing, copious amounts to learn and love
great site!
sydney, nsw australia - Saturday, 06 March, 2004 at 08:07:03 (EST)
I first travelled to the outback in 1996. Since that time, I have encouraged others, including my mother, to go and explore the wonderful sights and people. My mother now lives on a community on the Tanami Track and we have visited her recently. The landscape and environment is totally amazing and I always hate having to leave it, although I know I always return. For those that havent experienced the outback, I urge you to do it! You wont regret it. Be it by car, plane, bus. Take your children no matter how old they are - take your friends no matter how reluctant they are. Most of all, enjoy!
melbourne, victoria australia - Wednesday, 03 March, 2004 at 09:19:16 (EST)
good job to all my friend
lome, togo - Tuesday, 02 March, 2004 at 15:30:41 (EST)
I had a chance to visit your lovely country around the perth area 2 winters ago and can not wait to get back again. This site is awesome and lets me come and visit again if only on the web. THANKS!!!!
St paul, minnesota usa - Monday, 01 March, 2004 at 18:51:29 (EST)
Beautiful photos!! Informative too! I hope to live & work on one of these Islands in the near future. Interested to work as a Teacher from mid 2004, major in Creative Arts, had many contracts tutoring in Literacy & Numeracy through Indigenous Education (D.E.S.T.). Email:
Lynn Boyd
Rockhampton, QLD AUSTRALIA - Thursday, 26 February, 2004 at 02:40:35 (EST)
G'day mate! Very nice and useful website. Please visit my website!!! :)
Adelaide, SA Australia - Sunday, 08 February, 2004 at 22:17:33 (EST)
Hi,my names lexine,i read your article in the koori mail,about getting indigenous women out there in the advertising and movie world,and i am very much interested in doing something like modelling,so if use ever need more models then i am available.keep up the good work!...
Mareeba,QLD., Queensland Australia - Monday, 02 February, 2004 at 20:10:59 (EST)
We are looking for a copy of the Brilliant movie Jedda (in good condition) price no object. The movie is unavailable in the U S A.
ronald f mohorn
marina del rey, California U S A - Friday, 16 January, 2004 at 19:48:05 (EST)
Hi down there! I'd been to Oz in 2001 and it was overwhelming!I'll surely come back again...perhaps forever. Your website is the best! I'm so happy to have discovered it. Greetings from Switzerland. Michaela
Michaela Sebek
Widnau, Switzerland - Thursday, 15 January, 2004 at 12:05:07 (EST)
SID HARRY - I am trying to contact Sid Harry from Yorke Island. I used to work with him in 51FNQR. I now live on Christmas Island in the indian Ocean. I would love to visit Yorke Island and was hoping someone could pass my email address onto Sid.
Tracy Wilson
Christmas Island, Indian Ocean Aus - Sunday, 11 January, 2004 at 10:26:14 (EST)
good to see photos of pubs and places so that when you travel they are easy to recognize
adelaide, south australia australia - Monday, 05 January, 2004 at 02:14:48 (EST)

top stuff.keep it up.ill be back.
cairns, qld australia - Friday, 21 November, 2003 at 06:08:07 (EST)

I am a television producer her in LA and we are considering doing a wildlife adventure one hour documentary for the Animal Planet here in the US. We would only have a relatively short time - what animals and areas would you suggest? Thank you!
annie azzariti
Los Angeles, California, USA USA - Thursday, 18 September, 2003 at 15:22:18 (EDT)
Love the site, Do you have any more photos of port sorrell.
Qld, Australia - Wednesday, 03 September, 2003 at 23:02:57 (EDT)
Sincerely, Mary Novak
St Louis, MO, MO USA - Tuesday, 22 July, 2003 at 12:22:57 (EDT)
for the last two years running i have participated in a mimili imersion trek which takes students from my school, mercedes college, xavier college in melbourne, and a group of young aboriginals from interstate communities into the heart of the mimili community to meet the people and participate in various activities with them. we did all sorts of things and basically spent a lot of time with the mimili kids. they have left a lasting impression on me and everyone else on the trip. it was a life changing experience and i'm now doing an art project with this theme. the photos on the site have been really helpful, as have the information and links, just wanted to say thanks.
jo ferguson
adelaide, sa australia - Sunday, 20 July, 2003 at 23:10:54 (EDT)
Looking at your website section on the outback, I was surprised that you have a link to outback Aussie Tours in Longreach that says "prices valid till March 2003" and this is now July 2003. If you want to pass current Tours and prices onto your customers, how about giving us a go.
Chris Rumsey
Longreach, Qld Australia - Wednesday, 02 July, 2003 at 20:25:10 (EDT)
I run a dayhome and would like to do an Aboriginal craft with then but I am having trouble finding where to find it. Can you help me please?
Penhold, Canada - Friday, 20 June, 2003 at 12:41:11 (EDT)
Hi there Bushie Great page you got When you gonna update lol ..Jan
Victoria - Monday, 09 June, 2003 at 07:26:11 (EDT)
Great site - well presented, easy to navigate, well done. I congratulate you on filling a void in such a professional way, and wish you all the best. As my own travels have mainly been recorded by video camera I'll return when I have more time.
Croydon / Melbourne, Vic Australia !! - Friday, 25 April, 2003 at 00:29:12 (EDT)
Hi Oz Outback, I would like to swap links with you. You put a link from your site to and I will put a link from my site to yours??What do you think??Jeanie Crago
Jeanie Crago "A Look Over the Edge"
Coorow, Western Australia Western Australia - Thursday, 10 April, 2003 at 05:55:30 (EDT)
I find it a good site with heaps of good pictures and fine artwork,Very impressive.
Blue Mountains, NSW Australia - Thursday, 27 March, 2003 at 05:00:27 (EST)
I looked at your web page, because I am writing a novel set in the outback and I need the name of a common grass growing in a nsw area. Wild grass out in a paddock. If you can help please let me know. Thanks so much for your help
Angeline Dunne
QLD Australia - Saturday, 22 March, 2003 at 08:38:25 (EST)
Hello all..I think that this is a great site and will looking at it more often now that i have found it..Need to put more in though but it's a great site and i love it..
Cassandra Mippy
Perth, Western Australia Australia - Saturday, 22 March, 2003 at 01:09:53 (EST)
Aboriginals rule! i an one!
lucy bernado
kimberley regions, western australia australia - Thursday, 20 March, 2003 at 20:15:46 (EST)
aboriginal initiation is very interesting. i am doing a project on it for school. i hope to get high marks because its very interestingthankyou
amelia burmer,
east maitland, new south wales australia - Thursday, 20 March, 2003 at 20:09:43 (EST)
I loved your site and it keeps reminding me about where I was born at Yuendumu in 1948. I returned for a reunion with my parents Mr and Mrs Steer who worked there. My father built the house the missionaries now live in. I would love to see a photo of this house as my photos were ruined in an accident. But why I have sent a message stick is I was wanting to connect with someone from Yuendumu. Whether we talk over the phone or email is okay. I would like to know more about my honey ant dreaming etc that I was told about when I visited a few years ago. I would also like to know how I came to get my skin name etc.Thanks Elly (Napaljarri)(Steer) Jolly
Elly (Napaljarri)
Bendigo, Victoria Australia - Thursday, 20 March, 2003 at 01:49:56 (EST)
Hi there my name is Jose Calarco, i run one of the countries biggest aboriginal dance networks and was wondering if you guys are involved with dancers directly?please drop me an email and keep me up to date with your activities.
Jose Calarco, website
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, 15 March, 2003 at 22:45:42 (EST)
you have a really nice web page as it is useful for information on the outback,yeah but its deadly to have a korrie web page too ya know.
missy marlowe
ballina, nsw australia - Tuesday, 11 March, 2003 at 19:35:53 (EST)
Greetings from the Beer Can Regatta Committee in Darwin.As Publicity Officer for this years regatta I would like to not only update you with some news for this years big day but also keep you informed in comming years.Please reply to this mail and I will forward some current details for your site.RegardsTony MoorePh 08 89471105 BH or0414 352067 Mobile
Tony Moore
Darwin, NT Australia - Tuesday, 25 February, 2003 at 03:56:09 (EST)
If anyone has any information of any websites or addresses where i could get any information on aboriginal art please send it to my address. I am doin a gcse project and cant seem to get much info on it! thankyou.
Liverpool, England - Sunday, 16 February, 2003 at 10:02:07 (EST)
I think your site is great. As soon as i saw it i sent the site details to a friend in the U.S.A,(might be good for tourism!) Great job guys.
Anita Phillips
Hunter Valley, New South Wales Australia - Sunday, 02 February, 2003 at 05:11:28 (EST)
Dear Ozzies, Your site is cool!Every Oz fan (mainly Outback fans) can find precious info and images....Congratulations and keep on showing the beauties of one of the most interesting countries in the world. Zillion kisses for the team! Joana Lima
Joana Lima
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL - Thursday, 31 October, 2002 at 09:41:04 (EST)
I think your site is excellent! I really enjoyed looking at the pictures of the cultural dancing. The pictures really helped with my assingnment on Ularu. Well done for setting up such a wonderful website on indigineous cultures and beliefs.
Alex Henkel
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Monday, 21 October, 2002 at 19:10:34 (EDT)
Very impressive web page. Excellent for the promotion of North Queensland in particular, but the photography generally was of a very high standard and very interesting.
John Marsson
Cleveland, Queensland Australia - Monday, 21 October, 2002 at 13:57:18 (EDT)
I really like you're ideah of having outback pictures but me and me mates would luv to see pictures of bulls that buck better than the bulls in the pics itd be appreciated cheers mate
Texas (sean)
Leeton, N.S.W Australia - Monday, 09 September, 2002 at 00:22:14 (EDT)
I recently had the pleasure to visit this unreal site, well done congratulations and this is something that us koories need.I have told all my friends to visit this site once again congratulations
Bulli, New South Wales Australia - Monday, 02 September, 2002 at 23:41:11 (EDT)
Your site is okay[I don't mean to insult] but there isn't enough info cause I found your website on GOOGLE and it sounded really good but Iwas really dispointed when I saw the info face it this site great for pics but hopeless for info. P.S. I don't mean to insult
lARA, website-
melbourne, Vic Aus - Sunday, 01 September, 2002 at 03:36:42 (EDT)
merriel mckane
ST.GEORGE, QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA - Thursday, 29 August, 2002 at 06:01:30 (EDT)
Great web site very nice take care
Gary Shafer
philly, Philly Pa U.S.A. u.s.a. - Saturday, 27 July, 2002 at 13:27:53 (EDT)
Just thought I'd make a comment on you site regarding the myth about the last full blooded Tasmania Aboriginal. Its been proved over and over again this was not the case and if sites like this perpetuate the myth our children will never learn.thanks Wayne
Wayne Quilliam
NSW Lia Pootah - Thursday, 11 July, 2002 at 17:40:04 (EDT)
I am looking for some information on dancers. Could someone send me some addresses that I can get some information on groups who could possibly come to our school and perform for us and promote Torres Strait Culture. As this Culture is lacking very much in this region?Any information would be greatly appreciated.Leanne Hurst/Geesu.
Leanne Hurst
Maryborough, Queensland Australia - Monday, 08 July, 2002 at 22:34:40 (EDT)
I love your site. I'm currently conducting some research on a gift that was given and I don't know whether it has any menaing. It is a circular shape about 11cm in diameter. It seem to be made from flexible wicker than wraped tightly in a brown twin. As the twin makes it's way around the circal there are organge/yellow and brown small feathers all leading in the same direction around the circle. On one side of the circle there for about 3cm or so these feather change to green and yellow feather still leading in the same direction. I have been told this item is from Groote. Can you tell me anything about it or point me in the right direction? Thanks
Letitia Hope
Canberra, ACT Australia - Monday, 08 July, 2002 at 20:03:52 (EDT)
Terrific site Guys!!!! Only chanced across it this morning but after sending just a couple of e-cards to people overseas I have already had rave reviews for you....Keep up the good work and let's show the world just how proud we are of Oz!!!!
nola K
Violet Town, Victoria Australia - Tuesday, 02 July, 2002 at 00:06:06 (EDT)
As a resident of Tennant Creek, I was disappointed to not see more photos! We are much, much more than the Devil's Marbles or Pebbles. We have a wonderful festival called Desert Harmony in September, but that's not mentioned either :( Still, overall this is a terrific site, spreading the word about the beautiful red heart of Oz!!
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory Australia - Sunday, 23 June, 2002 at 20:43:53 (EDT)
I'm doing a project on aboriginal rock art and the information that i got from you is good, but there's not enough.Could you please put more on your website.
aaron Jones
melbourne, victoria australia - Thursday, 20 June, 2002 at 22:15:16 (EDT)
I am so thrilled to be associated with the folk at Balgo. They are wonderful world class artists. Thanks Tim for this opportunity
BRISBANE, - Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 at 05:03:05 (EDT)
Gosh, what a wonderful site. Have just emailed off lotsa your great photos to overseas friends, along with the site details, so they can explore themselves. Any chance of some Didge. music to accompany the photos??? THANKS for offering such a good Aussie product!
Grace Shanti
The Central Coast, NSW LAND OF OZ - Tuesday, 18 June, 2002 at 09:05:13 (EDT)
This is just what we are looking for. We are going to Columboola Environmental Education Centre near Miles in Queensland. Their focus is Year of the Outback and to tie into this, your postcard site is ideal. I was told of this site by my sister. Her school, Wellcamp, Toowoomba, Queenslandmis also involved with your site. I know my children in my class will love to do this project. Well Done!
Linda Lobwein
Toowoomba, Queensland Australia - Sunday, 16 June, 2002 at 23:02:16 (EDT)
Hi, Lost your email address. I'm the coordinator of Postcards Around Australia, which is currently running - a huge success. I've been asked to write an article on this for the Scan magazine - a magazine for Teacher Librarians. I would like to include a bit of information about your site and where/how/why it was created. I have matched up about 60 classes so far. Thanks for this wonderful resource. How did it come to be? Thanks. Cheryl Kerr, Teacher, Beenleigh State School.
Cheryl Kerr
Logan City, Queensland Australia - Tuesday, 11 June, 2002 at 04:18:07 (EDT)
Ilove this website cos when your far from home you can look in. And see picture of family and friends. And remember what home looks and feels like just by looking at this website P.S. I love it thank you............ :)
Q.L.D. - Thursday, 30 May, 2002 at 00:56:06 (EDT)
Bowen, Q>L>D>OZ - Sunday, 26 May, 2002 at 17:52:12 (EDT)
You have the best website...I got your address sent to me via a friend and I have already surfed around and sent some postcards. Kakadu National Park is pretty cool - I'll go there one day. I'll always visit this site frequently so I'll see you soon! Cheers!
Lord of Darkness
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Monday, 13 May, 2002 at 23:36:22 (EDT)
The postcards here are very nice. I have already tried using 3 postcards.
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, 13 May, 2002 at 03:08:25 (EDT)
An absolutely grand site. Have just finished emailing this site to friends in USA and I know they will find this site "awesome" What a rich site you all have created. Congrats. to you all. As a teacher of Ab.Studies - my comment does not go lightly. Best wishes - Tony.
tony lane
Nowra, nsw Australia - Thursday, 02 May, 2002 at 07:28:36 (EDT)
this websit needs more imformation, but the postcard idea is good.
melbourne, victoria australia - Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 at 19:29:39 (EDT)
This site is really beautiful. I love it...
Lukas Petrik
Bratislava, Slovak Republic - Sunday, 28 April, 2002 at 04:31:21 (EDT)
absolutely love the site and love the ecards. Have sent some off to friends around the world. Would have been even MORE wonderful if i could have attached didgeridoo music to the postcards - how about it???
Lynne Roe
Perth, West Australia - Friday, 26 April, 2002 at 03:09:16 (EDT)
Dear Sir or Madam. Have just found this WEB site by chance. We have been all over this Country of ours. We Email friends all over the World now we can tell them about this very good site, to view at there leasure, Many thanks & keep up the good work.
Ron Hunwick
Carine in PERTH, West-Australia West-Australia - Wednesday, 24 April, 2002 at 06:40:46 (EDT)
Beautiful images... Bring back wonderful memories.
Perth, WA Australia - Sunday, 07 April, 2002 at 03:59:33 (EDT)
This Website is the coolest man!!! God bless ya
South Australia - Thursday, 04 April, 2002 at 00:25:30 (EST)
An excellent web site full of colour and imagination giving an over all picture of your wonderful country.
Terry Lynagh
Hartlepool, UK - Sunday, 31 March, 2002 at 12:02:09 (EST)
Top Site.Just like MtGambier in the South East of South Australia.Cheers to Terry in Hartlepool England.
Mount Gambier, South Australia Australia - Sunday, 31 March, 2002 at 06:12:31 (EST)
Enjoyed your site very much.... Would love to visit your country someday.
Clarksville,, Tennessee USA - Saturday, 30 March, 2002 at 00:07:45 (EST)
i thought this would be a good reserch site for info on aborinals culture and histiry things like that i was wrong
Perth, W.A Australia - Sunday, 17 March, 2002 at 02:23:23 (EST)
Excellent site, keep it up.
Brisbane, Queensland Australia - Saturday, 16 March, 2002 at 22:35:52 (EST)
It a very good site. Need more info on ceremonies than pics on ceremonies. No info on initiation, therefor u wont see me on this website again. Good-bye
Kyoto, hiroshima Japan - Saturday, 16 March, 2002 at 22:31:31 (EST)
your website is the best! There are alot of things to see and do. I really enjoy browsing through it. All my friend love it heaps to! Well I better go now, so bye!
Jessie Pellizzer
Wonthaggi, Victoria Australia - Monday, 11 March, 2002 at 18:27:25 (EST)
your website is cool you can do lots of things to see and do
stacey chumbley
wonthaggi, victoria austraila - Monday, 11 March, 2002 at 18:22:45 (EST)
I do not like the snakes on your web site.But the rest of it is great, I enjoyed looking at it.
Marni Hiutema
Wonthaggi, Victoria Australia - Monday, 11 March, 2002 at 18:20:37 (EST)
hi!your website is great and interesting.aboriginal people are the best. so many of my friends are aboriginals.i am white
adelaide, sa sa - Sunday, 10 March, 2002 at 18:26:13 (EST)
I have enjoyed finding this site. If anyone from overseas is interested in emailing me for a yarn please do
Katherine, Northern Territory Australia - Saturday, 09 March, 2002 at 10:53:56 (EST)
I am the Tourist Officer for Hughenden and district and am disappointed that our postcard picture is a photo of a house in Hughenden. Hughenden has so much to offer with Gorges, Dinosaur Displays and sculptures depicting the outback. Although this is a lovely house and I know the owners personally it is a shame that the spirit of Hughenden is not being shown on your postcards.
Hughenden, Qld Australia - Wednesday, 20 February, 2002 at 23:04:34 (EST)
I love australia!from this website i know heaps! im 13years old and i muster out at tocal, i ride a stockhorse and love what i do!i love Troy Dann and Kasey Chambers, keep up the good work!!!!!
ellyse chamber,
maitland, n.s.w australia - Tuesday, 19 February, 2002 at 02:43:01 (EST)
I'm going to Fremantle,WA this march for a month.I'd like to know somebody who lives in around Perth.Please be my friend and tell me about the place you are living in!
Japan..., - Monday, 18 February, 2002 at 05:08:39 (EST)
Our class visited this site to give us info on 2002 YEAR OF THE OUTBACK. Great site! I did send a postcard.
Injune, Queensland Australia - Monday, 11 February, 2002 at 23:50:47 (EST)
your quiz is easy so you should make it harder.
Erin Stormont
Cairns, Queensland Australia - Monday, 11 February, 2002 at 22:28:48 (EST)
that quiz is to easy. you should make it harder and have Questions where you have a space where you have to write the answer your self.
Stepahnie MacKinnon
Cairns, Queenland Austraila - Monday, 11 February, 2002 at 22:27:35 (EST)
Like your website. I am a picture researcher for a news magazine in england and have been trying to source good pictures for a reportage on initiation ceremonies across the world. Didn't know if you could help - most of the picture agencies here don't have much. Would appreciate any help or contacts. Many thanks, Iain Venn
Cornwall, UK England - Thursday, 07 February, 2002 at 08:23:59 (EST)
Excellent place and excellent website. I plan to visit NT in May 2002 and now know how much I will miss if I did not go to real outback.
Slawomir Stys
Sapporo, Japan - Thursday, 07 February, 2002 at 03:26:28 (EST)
This is a brilliant web-site and I have added your link to my page on Black Planet, so others the world over can get to view this site and get a better understanding, appreciation and respect of Australian Aboriginal culture! THANKS!!! The photos are just gorgeous!
Leonie Thomas
Currumbin Beach, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia - Tuesday, 05 February, 2002 at 12:14:46 (EST)
I would like to have a magazine about the Road trains in Australia Is such a magazine avalible ?
Robert Brooks
New Jersey - Friday, 25 January, 2002 at 18:00:30 (EST)
this is a really good site! I'm an exchange student from the Netherlands, and this is a really good idea to send a little message home, to your family or friends! excellent!
Cairns, QLD Australia - Wednesday, 23 January, 2002 at 23:51:04 (EST)
What a brilliant site - thanks! I'm making plans to move back to Aus later this year and have found some wonderful places to visit! I have a fascination with Cape Tribulation and the Daintree at the moment!
Nottingham, England - Sunday, 13 January, 2002 at 08:04:01 (EST)
My class is researching towns around Australia as part of our 2002 Year of the Outback projects. We would like to hear from any travellers or classes in different towns for our display board. Please email with a description of your area. Thanks.
mary moore
Healesville, victoria Australia - Thursday, 10 January, 2002 at 04:56:51 (EST)
This is an excellent site that I will be able to share with teachers around the world. I will use it during Internet Projects that connect my class with other classes. If any teachers seeing this message would like to conduct e-Pal projects with my class of Year One children (5-6 years), please email me. Narelle
Narelle Daffurn
Brisbane, Queensland Australia - Friday, 04 January, 2002 at 06:34:44 (EST)
Just a note on the outback 2002 web page, Cairns is a city of 120,000 people not 16,085, in case people thought Cairns was a major international destination. Thanks.
John Hocking
Cairns, Queensland Australia - Thursday, 03 January, 2002 at 20:59:03 (EST)
From living in the Australian Capital Territory and having lived in the Northern Territory, I am thrilled that more people across the world will learn much about the real "heart" of Australia, the Outback! I have wonderful memories of Alice Springs and its surroundings,and am looking for 2002 and all it brings.
Canberra, ACT, Australia - Monday, 31 December, 2001 at 21:50:54 (EST)
I loved this web site. My husband and I are touring OZ in Sept 2002, and found loads of pictures on the places we have planned to see. Great site. Nice to see more than the usual Sydney Harbour that people in the UK associate Australia with.
Lisa Hardy
Ketterint, England - Saturday, 29 December, 2001 at 08:48:37 (EST)
this is fantastic, to be able to send to friends overseas, pictures of my country,and cultures, thankyou very much for makeing this possible.
bendigo, victoria australia - Wednesday, 26 December, 2001 at 20:01:39 (EST)
Love your Site never visited your Country but would love to. Mary
Mary Westmoreland
Cocoa, Florida United States - Wednesday, 26 December, 2001 at 17:10:10 (EST)
Just a note to say thank you for your help with my own web project giving people virtual tours of Northern Australia. Your input is invaluable to me and your images project the "real Australia" that so many sites do not capture. Wonderful magic work Ludo, I can't thank you enough.
Gary Crockett
Hervey Bay, Queensland Australia - Thursday, 06 December, 2001 at 19:40:55 (EST)
A great site!
Claude Nolan
Taree, NSW Australia - Monday, 03 December, 2001 at 19:19:46 (EST)
Hi! I just wanted to say that this site is coooooool and the pictures on this web are fantastic...
Brisbane, Qld Australia - Tuesday, 20 November, 2001 at 23:35:32 (EST)
I'm planning a trip to Australia in March 2002 - I truly cannot wait - so much to see and so many wonderful people to meet. Thanks for your site.
Rosemarie Kibitlewski
Clearwater, Florida USA - Tuesday, 06 November, 2001 at 14:22:01 (EST)
My mother was born on Brodie Street in Hughenden in 1917. I'd love to hear from anyone who might have any information on the area during that time period. I'm interested to know what Brodie Street was like and if I can contact anyone there. Thank you
Connecticut USA - Thursday, 25 October, 2001 at 12:46:25 (EDT)
Appreciate advice. In 1957 worked with a Bathurst Islander called Dermot in the Barracks Section of the RAAF Base in Darwin NT. Interested to pass on a message to Dermot. Regards, Errol
Errol Alcock
Wivenhoe Pocket, Fernvale, QLD Australia - Sunday, 21 October, 2001 at 18:13:02 (EDT)
What a wonderful site to share our wonderful country with others overseas, Glad I found you. Margaret.
Sydney, N.S.W. Australia - Thursday, 18 October, 2001 at 23:43:42 (EDT)
Great intranet in cyberspace. No parking spaces? Changed times changed responses, all the best in the new millenium.
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Thursday, 18 October, 2001 at 08:08:48 (EDT)
My partner and I were in the NT for two weeks this time (September) last year. We had the best two weeks of our lives, a truly unforgettable experience. It was not the beauty of the Red Centre, it was a whole spiritual experience (and we don't mean that in a tacky way). It was the overwhelming dessert, the beautiful flora and fauna, just a whole 'feeling'. We also met other wonderful people along the way, and are still in contact with several of them. A memorable, memorable experience. To quote a cliché, 'you never, never know if you never, never go'.
Sydney, New South Wales Australia - Tuesday, 25 September, 2001 at 23:16:31 (EDT)
Your site is so great!!! I just came back from a trip to several places in Australia and I loved every minute of it. Thanks for the site. It makes my memories seem more real. Barbara Julian
Barbara Julian
Gig Harbor, Washington USA - Sunday, 23 September, 2001 at 02:40:12 (EDT)
hello this is cool
sa - Thursday, 30 August, 2001 at 19:59:21 (EDT)
Hi, I have found your card site to be just great, many of my friends overseas have commented on the photos in the cards I have sent. But I live in Victoria and find that the few photos of my state are not really inspiring. How about a decent photo of Melbourne? And in particular the Great Ocean Road, the Twelve Apostles, the Alps, the Grampians, Gippsland, even the penguins at Phillip Island. A bit more variety would be great, like a rock garden, who wants to send a pic of a rock garden? Hope you can help, otherwise site is excellent, thanks, Ian
Melb., Victoria Aust. - Friday, 24 August, 2001 at 19:58:02 (EDT)
We need more of this on the internet.....I have just been looking at all the aboriginal sites....and most is politics etc....this what people should know more about us! I am a dancer with the Marrugeku Co. who perform as "Mimi Spirits" and I love it!!!! your sight!!!
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, 25 July, 2001 at 10:51:36 (EDT)We need more of this on the internet.....I have just been looking at all the aboriginal sites....and most is politics etc....this what people should know more about us! I am a dancer with the Marrugeku Co. who perform as "Mimi Spirits" and I love it!!!! your sight!!!
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, 25 July, 2001 at 10:51:36 (EDT)
Great site! Thanks for letting me ckeck out the cool post cards that you have and wonderful photos. I recognised a lot of people in those photos you have.
Schooling in Brisbane/From Kowanyama, QLD Australia - Monday, 23 July, 2001 at 21:33:19 (EDT)
Hi...LOVE your wondering are you also going to be adding desktop themes..i.e. to use as a background on the puter..I now have a boring windows one........would love to see some of your work as backgrounds......maybe an idea?
Deventer, Netherlands - Thursday, 19 July, 2001 at 06:53:25 (EDT)
Fabulous website...great for all us homesick it..keep it up and keep adding more stuff...Ill be checking back regularly
Marina Spiteri
Deventer, Netherlands - Thursday, 19 July, 2001 at 06:48:49 (EDT)
hello, my name is kate and i was wondering if you had anymore information on introduced animal species they you could send me. particulary on camels, but anything will do. particular information i would like are: country of origin, reason transported to australia, numbers introduced when and where, history of population in australia. I would very much apreciate if you could get this information to me within two weeks. my email adress is thankyou very much. and i look forward to hearing from you.
kate hamilton
newcastle, NSW, NSW Australia - Sunday, 08 July, 2001 at 01:10:21 (EDT)
Cool site, a lot of informations for our trip to downunder in september
Munich, Bavaria Germany - Wednesday, 27 June, 2001 at 04:14:22 (EDT)
I am requesting permission to use a couple of pictures from your site for a lesson plan in my Global Studies class. A slight possibility that INTEL would use my POWERPOINT presentation in a showcase of lessons. Sincerely, Randy Shepard
randy shepard
Glendale, Oregon, oregon USA - Friday, 15 June, 2001 at 12:03:43 (EDT)
I'm very happy to find your site. I spent a happy and enriching month in Milingbimbi some 20 years ago. Can I just say I'd much more enjoy the images if they didn't have the rather busy backgrounds, just the central image. Keep up the good work and blessings to all at Milingimbi.
Helen Lightfoot - Wednesday, 24 June, 2037 at 13:53:43 (CST)
Nice One Mate, I was searching around feeling homesick and I found this site, it has help me get thru my nightshift, here in ENGLAND.. I have been here for 4yrs, and I really miss back home, this site has been therapy to me.
Sydney, NSW Oz - Monday, 14 May, 2001 at 07:06:50 (CST)
What a nice website! I really enjoy the photos. Best Wishes
Lemgo, Germany - Sunday, 25 March, 2001 at 19:54:10 (CST)
What a wonderful site, its great for projects. Good to see a wide variety of pics. All the Best
Barcaldine, Queensland Australia - Sunday, 18 March, 2001 at 21:11:52 (CST)
Can we please use your inages of Kakadu in a school project for my daughter. Alastair Miller
Perth, Western Australia Australia - Sunday, 18 March, 2001 at 18:08:53 (CST)
I wanted to say that this site is fantastic and helps me a lot Ifind it is very educational all up is exellent.
Pa, U.S.A. America - Sunday, 18 March, 2001 at 15:12:17 (CST)
I think this site is great and that it is very helpful to me at least because I think it is very educational it's a cool site.
australia - Sunday, 18 March, 2001 at 15:04:54 (CST)
I would like to know if I could use a photo of an aboringal stockman for a back drop for the presentation of a stock whip. These whips will be sold ( hopefully) through tourist shops. This is a project I am trying to get going.I havent the money to pay for copyrights etc, so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time
scott martin
qld - Friday, 09 March, 2001 at 10:28:43 (CST)
Hello Tushar ' Though I am in Bangladesh,I am sending you a OZ card to wish happy eid-ul ajha.
Dhaka - Wednesday, 28 February, 2001 at 14:09:58 (CST)
Katoomba, NSW., NSW AUSTRALIA - Monday, 26 February, 2001 at 15:32:52 (CST)
could some one please put me in touch with any one who lives or works in the out back or cattle stations? I am dyining to learn about our country not just what happens in the suburbs.
victoria australia - Tuesday, 20 February, 2001 at 20:51:49 (CST)
Its really great to see some good pictures of aboriginal dancing and in particular The Aeroplane Dance, I have to get a video of that ABC programme about the event, if its available.Where does the name Karslake come from in respect of Karslake Island.Theres a Karslake in Cornwall but it has been excavated by the mines since the 60s, wondered if there might be a connection feel free to email suggestions.
Jay Polkest
currently london, living in the u.k. cornwall - Sunday, 18 February, 2001 at 14:41:31 (CST)
I like your site very much and was wondering if I could have permission to link it to my page. Also, I am an artist and love painting Australian topics and wondered if it is OK for me to paint from some of your post cards. Thank you for your Leila
Pennant Hills, NSW Australia - Friday, 16 February, 2001 at 10:23:02 (CST)
Your Website is just GREAT !!! I certainly will pass on your info to anybody who's interested!! Thank you for a wonderful website..
Queensland Australia - Saturday, 10 February, 2001 at 10:29:22 (CST)
Very enjoyable, good to see some pro aboriginal instead of anti, as is so much the case here in Australia. Why dont Australians embrace it for what it is, the oldest surviving culture in the world, instead of constantly ridiculing it. Well, the majority anyway. Thanks.
Darren "Mulga" Smith
brewarrina, new south wales - Friday, 09 February, 2001 at 14:20:33 (CST)
The set up is great, but looking at the Tennant Creek section it is a little dissapointing to see the main focus for Tennant is on the Marble's. The Devils MArble's are great and I would reccommend them to anyone travelling in this region. But Tennant Creek itself has more to offer that is not mentioned.
Tennant Creek, NT - Wednesday, 07 February, 2001 at 10:06:36 (CST)
Found your site in the 4x4 mag what a great site it is i can send postcards to my friends overseas and around australia to people that hav"nt had the experince of seeing it for them self keep up the great work
Peter or Bush1
somerville, Victoria australia - Monday, 05 February, 2001 at 13:01:21 (CST)
Perth boy living in Japan, your site is good mate. It was good to see some of beautiful oz again. Nice shots!. I'll be back soon dang it!.
Kyoto, Western Australia Japan - Friday, 02 February, 2001 at 16:12:51 (CST)
I was just browsing, came across your page and it was just what I was looking for.I haVE EMAIL FRIENDS OVERSEAS AND CAN NOW SHOW THEM photos of my home.GOD BLESS YOU.Marie
Marie Jones
Mt.Isa, Queensland Australia - Sunday, 21 January, 2001 at 12:51:14 (CST)
Nice pictures af the Arnhemland. I‚m iterested in Aboriginal things. That‚s how I came on this page. I will come back on your site.Continue with this page........ (my website is in Dutch, sorry. I somebody ia interested I could translate it for him or her. It‚s a paranormal/spirtual site)
Theo Vink
Arnhem, Netherlands - Sunday, 07 January, 2001 at 21:11:07 (CST)
Great Site just Luv oz, back again in march .
Wakefield England, England - Saturday, 06 January, 2001 at 09:17:13 (CST)
What can I say? Except that would have to be the best bloody Australian site that I have seen yet.
Trevor Cowan
Narrogin, W.A Australia - Sunday, 31 December, 2000 at 15:51:01 (CST)
Hey, I've just found your site and absolutely LOVED the pics of the children!! I've sent them to a few friends who I know will adore them. Thank you so much!
Sydney, NSW - Sunday, 24 December, 2000 at 19:28:54 (CST)
It's simply looking good excellent quality photos too
david kemp
sydney, nsw australia - Thursday, 23 November, 2000 at 13:54:19 (CST)
Your site is excellently done. We have an interest in Palm Valley and Hermannsburg. Would you consider adding our link to you site?
Peter van der Kuil
Darlington, WA Australia - Saturday, 04 November, 2000 at 18:39:12 (CST)
Very cool site :P
Julian Huang
Adelaide, SA Australia - Friday, 03 November, 2000 at 11:35:16 (CST)
Well i had to check out this site for a School activity and i found it was a good experience
Tammy Eades
Bunbury, Western Australia Australia - Monday, 30 October, 2000 at 13:29:35 (CST)
Congratulations on such a well thought out site!...i have friends in Japan and i send them weekly to them...Would you consider adding some traditional music??? i feel that it would further add to the appeal...Keep up the great work! Kindest Regards
Ken Sibthorpe
Gold Coast, Qld Australia - Tuesday, July 08, 2000 at 06:24:52 (CST)
Australia is Great
Karl Riley
Liverpool, Merseyside - Saturday, July 05, 2000 at 18:30:36 (CST)
I just so love your web page! The pictures are absolutley beautiful!!! I tried to access it over the past few days and it was down I am so glad you guys are back! I tell lots of people to come have a look! And to come over here and see it for themselves, great work you should be proud there are no other web sites of this kind. (I know because I have looked). These pages depict the 'REAL OZ OUTBACK!' Best of luck in all you guys do. Rose.
Rose Stark
Australia - Wednesday, July 02, 2000 at 11:35:59 (CST)
Playing Yidaki, creating art, telling myths and stories and travel to Northern Territory and teach aboriginal children are what I like to do. Wish to learn how to track and hunt animals in the traditional way also.
eskilstuna, sweden - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 03:24:11 (CST)
This is really the BEST site that I have seen by far. I am amazed. Its 100% better then the Message Stick-ABC Indigenous Online which seems to have a lot of negative input from T.I's perpetuating racial hatred. I love your site as it reflects the real spirit of Australia, the Australia that we all know and love.
- Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 06:17:42 (CST)
Found it at last! Some search engines do not come up with the link. Heard from your well travelled photographer recently. Cheers.
Leanne & Steve
Alice Springs, - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 17:26:53 (CST)
Great Site, just came across it when I was surfing the net, drop me a line if anyone wants to.
Darwin, NT Australia - Thursday, March 09, 2000 at 15:08:30 (CST)
Marvelous! I love the beautiful scenery and the other photos/postcards of Australia and the people who live there. I will also enjoy using my AU address to send Aussie cards to friends throughout the world.
- Friday, January 28, 2000 at 18:30:24 (CST)
I have travelled Central Australia and Queensland and have plans to travell all over Oz if The Lord gives me the time. I like listening to the Aboriginal Stories and seeing the local customs & art. I like to fish the inland Waterways and tour the desert and deserted places, visiting the beautiful spots most people drive straight past. I hope I get to do it all. Sincerely Ian.
Ian M.
Brisbane, Q. Oz - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 20:00:04 (CST)
the famous Australian platypus are, by far my favorite animal!!!!
Canberra, ACT AUS - Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 17:18:39 (CST)
Great web site. Wonderful colour details. I am lucky enough to live where I can witness the culture live. Well done.
WEIPA, QLD AUS - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 19:42:53 (CST)
Hi - from everyone in Humpty Doo
Steven Thompson
Humpty Doo, NT AUS - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 13:06:54 (CST)
wants an e-pal then write to me - I'd love to get to know some Aussies and other Aussie fans!
Hillman's Skeleton
Burgess Hill, West Sussex England - Monday, October 11, 1999 at 06:38:31 (CST)
thanks for letting me show my family and friends the places I vistied while in darwin last week. kind regards Martin
Adelaide, SA AUS - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 11:34:53 (CST)
Great site this one, just stumbled on to it! Will definitely use it for the postcards, great local feel! Well done! Jason Elkes Backpackers Darwin/Alice Springs
Jason Dyer
Darwin, NT AUS - Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 18:23:17 (CST)