Photos of the south of Malawi

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Flag of Malawi

The south of Malawi

Malawi’s Southern Region, centred around Blantyre, is the most populated and economically developed. The Lower Shire Valley, broad and flat in the extreme south, is the lowest point in the country, but over 100 kilometres from there is Malawi’s highest peak, Mount Mulanje, over 3000 metres -the highest mountain in central Africa.

Nchotseni school, Mwanza
Girls dancing, Mwanza school
Outskirts of Blantyre
Village near Chikwawa
Village near Chikwawa
House in Chikwawa
Market, Chikwawa
Pumping water, Chikwawa.
Selling fish, Thyolo
Measuring maize, Thyolo Market
Thyolo Tea Estates
Thyolo Tea Estates
Thyolo Tea Estates
Workers, Thyolo Tea Estates
Weighing baskets, Thyolo Tea Estates
Workers, Thyolo Tea Estates
The road near Thyolo
Road to Mulanje
View to Mount Mulanje
Mosque, Mulanje
View to Mount Mulanje
Farm in Phalombe
Village street market
Village market

Mwanza, on the western border with Mozambique, is a market town for local produce. Chikwawa, on the west bank of the Shire River, was the first town in Malawi to be seen by European explorers; when visited during David Livingstone’s second Zambesi expedition in March 1859, it was known as Chibisa’s village.

Thyolo is a town 44 kilometres south of Blantyre, near the Thyolo Tea Estates. Tea has grown here since 1908. The estates may be visited, and there are plenty of opportunities for walks and hikes around the scenic estate.