Harlingen, Friesland's port city

The Stone Man

The memorial pillar “De Stenen Man” (in Frisian: Stiennen Man, The Stone Man) in honour of Caspar de Robles, the Spanish Stadholder of Friesland and Groningen, who ruled from 1568 to 1576. When in 1570 dykes had broken and a large part of Friesland was flooded, he forced the Frisians, who argued among themselves, to repair and strengthen the dykes, with the northern and southern part of the “Sédyk” (Sea dyke) maintained by two groups; the memorial marks the frontier between those groups. De Robles' head on top of the pillar (actually, according to tradition, it is the Roman god Terminus) has a face on both sides, indicating he kept an eye on both groups - so they say.

Photo by Ludo Kuipers, Sun Jun 05, 2005
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