On 30 July 1870, Stafford Parker, a British miner, proclaimed the “Diggers’ Republic” on the diamond fields along the Vaal River, from its confluence with the Harts River (65 kilometres northwest of Kimberley) in West Griqualand to Hebron (near Pretoria). His capital was Klipdrift (renamed “Parkerton”), about 20 kilometres northeast of Potchefstroom. The local Griqua people, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal Republic also disputed those diamond fields. Also described as the Free (Diamond) Republic, the Klipdrift Republic, the Griqualand (West) Republic and the republic of Adamantia, the miners declared themselves independent until the British Empire could annex them, which happened in February 1871. They had raised a white flag with a red diamond symbol, flanked by “FREE” and “REPUBLIC” below a Union Jack.